Why are you and others assuming the children/adults won't take responsibility for their own education? I am personally ready to just trust people to take care of it and that we as a society just need to make sure that people have as many venues to do that as possible. Having worked in a public and private school, I can honestly say that the choice of attending or not makes the biggest difference when it comes to internal motivation.
I assume based on what I see. How many children would fall through the cracks if education wasn't regulated? I have my doubts about the current American system, and I see many ways it could be improved. However, with alcoholism, laziness, abuse and any other social problems we could think of affecting us, I can see how many children would fall through the cracks. Many do already. For a lot of kids out there, school is their safe zone.
My children are in public schools. They are not all perfect students. Some require more help than others. Between the public schools and my wife and I, they are doing pretty well. I know our education system could be better (yes, please let's get the Feds out of it). I'd rather work on making what we have better than scrapping the compulsory side of it.
The history of our education system is a little horrifying (we forgot to mention how schools are architecturally designed like prisons). The system is still made up of people, and a lot of those people are good people. There was one or two advisors/teachers who held me back. There were a lot who just did their job. But I remember the one or two who did a fine job of getting to the core of me, even if it was for just a moment. Perhaps I have the luxury of such a memory, but it's the one I hold on to. Not the crap.
Without compulsory education, at first we would all educate our kids. A few wouldn't, and they'd turn out okay. The next generation would see a further decline in numbers. And I predict the trend would continue. For elective education to be as good as what we have now, there would have to be a major shift in American collective consciousness.