Senior Master
Those are some strong arguments. So are you saying the status quo is ok? Let bad and worse be as long as it doesn't affect you or yours?
Do you agree there has been a steady decline in participation and, I feel quality in the last 20+++ years? It is hard to see where the bottom will be unless some efforts are made to stem the bleeding.
I can't speek for other countries but here in the US the status quo is actually doing quite well. I believe your outlook of martial arts has a heavy negative bias. Participation in martial arts has actually grown significantly. In the last 30 years charlatans have declined.
I don't really see a problem that needs to be "fixed" thru legislation or regulations. There is no decline in participation, there has been an overall growth in the market. But that growth has been in MMA and now moving to reality based martial arts. So the numbers have shifted away from the old traditional schools.
The answer for bad martial arts and instructors is a knowledgeable market not regulation. The internet is a wonderful thing. We don't see people pushing carts down the street selling cancer curing ointment and tonics (snake oil). Why? Because the general public is educated enough to know better. The same is happening in martial arts. With the Internet the public has more access to information now then ever and the level of knowledge is growing. If anything it is the actual instructors who are being left behind because they are not active in continuous improvement and keeping up with the knowledge base line. The biggest issue today is not martial art charlatans but rather legit guys that learned their art in the 60's and 70's and still believe in old wives tales of the martial arts.