Combative training for Women


White Belt
I recently went to a self defense seminar for women put on by ITD Systems, and I can't believe how different it was compared to the karate classes I have taken in the past. The instructor called it "combatives Training" as opposed to an actual martial art. I have to say I learned more about street self defense in 4 hours than in a couple years of weekly classes. I'm looking into expanding on this type of training and taking more classes, but ITD is in Buffalo and it is a long drive for me. Does anyone have any info on this or other training of this type in the Syracuse / Utica area?


I have no knowledge about what you are asking how ever may I suggest you drop a post in the meet and greet area and introduce yourself to all.
I recently went to a self defense seminar for women put on by ITD Systems, and I can't believe how different it was compared to the karate classes I have taken in the past. The instructor called it "combatives Training" as opposed to an actual martial art. I have to say I learned more about street self defense in 4 hours than in a couple years of weekly classes. I'm looking into expanding on this type of training and taking more classes, but ITD is in Buffalo and it is a long drive for me. Does anyone have any info on this or other training of this type in the Syracuse / Utica area?



Glad to hear that you had a good experience! :) IMHO, a womens SD course should focus on just that....short, simple and effective things that can be taught in a short amount of time, that are effective and easy to learn. Now, this isn't to say that joining a regular martial arts class can't be effective, but there is a difference in the way the material is taught. :)

Glad you had a good time and keep on training!
Women self defense are done like that but it takes more than a seminar to get profeicent at it. I would keep training and adding seminars into your regular schedule classses.
Really? Tell me more about ITD Systems. Can I receive street deadly skills for 4 easy payments of $59.99 per month? Is there anything else you would like to sell me?
Women self defense are done like that but it takes more than a seminar to get profeicent at it. I would keep training and adding seminars into your regular schedule classses.


And that's how I'd do it. Keep your martial arts but also learn realistic SD. Alot of time in TKD classes they can't understand why I will shield up like a boxer or go for their legs (softly.) And in one step sparring I start to move just when the other guy twitches and I don't stop when the technique is 'supposed to stop'.

Most martial arts do nothing to show what the street is like. No instruction on how to act in front of unknown people, no instruction on detecting indicators, no nothing like that.

Both are helpfull if you train right. In fact the martial arts and SD training can be mutually benifitial.

C'mon guys, I know we just had some issues regarding the effectiveness of a "new" system, but let's give her a chance to share her experience here. :)
Hello, Yes martial arts should be "MORE" combative training. It is not a dancing school or should be long term to be effecient.

Most students want to learn something they can use right away....

There are many systems that forcus on and find something you want!

The police and prison guards and other like them do not have the time for "years" of learning....THEY NEED STUFFS THEY CAN USE NOW!

WHY? should martial arts be years to learn? ...most of us can learn to catch a ball or run .....yes it takes lots of training to run far and faster...but you do not need be an olympican to survive an attack or attackers.....MANY things you can do and use right away....

You have learn there is "better ways to learn"

Better to learn a few things in one class and be able to use it....than study for years and years...only to can survive with the proper few things to survive!

Driving didn't take years to learn....swimming...running...and hitting...and most of us can learn to play basketball,football,soccer,....and enjoy become a professioal? ...well that takes years and talent..

Aloha, "over 100 golfer" ? UM ...rather be fishing!
Thanks for all of your support! Well, most everyone, anyway. I will look to see if there is any Krav Maga (sp?) in my area. I did talk with a guy who trains in Systema, but I'm not sure if I have the time for the commitment he feels it would require. He seems to support more traditional class time than condensed training seminars, which I understand, but with everything going on 2 nights a week would be tough.

Other than slow motion with a partner that understand reflexive reaction, how does one train in combatives, considering you really shouldn't practice gouging out eyes and crushing tracheas at full speed? I'm sure red suits and cups help for some of the stuff, but I'm afraid of hurting my training partners (or the other way around!) going full speed!

Take care and thanks for the help!
Thanks for all of your support! Well, most everyone, anyway. I will look to see if there is any Krav Maga (sp?) in my area. I did talk with a guy who trains in Systema, but I'm not sure if I have the time for the commitment he feels it would require. He seems to support more traditional class time than condensed training seminars, which I understand, but with everything going on 2 nights a week would be tough.

Other than slow motion with a partner that understand reflexive reaction, how does one train in combatives, considering you really shouldn't practice gouging out eyes and crushing tracheas at full speed? I'm sure red suits and cups help for some of the stuff, but I'm afraid of hurting my training partners (or the other way around!) going full speed!

Take care and thanks for the help!
There's really no substitute for gearing up and you note, however, the risk of hard-training is injury.....but the rewards when properly done far outweight the risks.

It's why boxers, muay thai practioners, judokas and BJJ practioners are able to successfully pull of their techniques in the street......because they train them full power and full speed. Boxers and Muay Thai practioners are conditioned by their sport in hitting and getting hit and grapplers apply their techniques in training in the same manner they'd be applied for real.....the only difference is that in training their partner taps before the joint gets dislocated.

The question is 'How prepared do you feel you need to be'......if the answer is very prepared, then eventually you'll have to train your techniques with hard-sparring.....yes, you can't necessarily do an eye-gouge full speed during sparring, but you CAN learn to move and get accustomed to impact, bodies smacking together, the jarring of physical combat that most people find disturbing the first few times they experience.

When you do spar try to get sparring partners of different shapes and sizes.....fighting someone your size is far different than fighting someone significantly larger.
I'll second Arnisador, Krav Maga is all about combatives. If that's what you want to learn, KM is a very effective system.

You do not have to go several times a week, but may I advise, if you wish to improve your skills and retain what you learn, please do not let yourself go less than 2 times a week. Myself, I am in there 4 or 5 times a week but that's for the pleasure of practicing it as much as anything.

My school does regularly offer special seminars on the weekends as well as a Women's Fight Club on Saturdays and Thursdays. The Km schools in your area may offer something similar.
I'll second Arnisador, Krav Maga is all about combatives. If that's what you want to learn, KM is a very effective system.

You do not have to go several times a week, but may I advise, if you wish to improve your skills and retain what you learn, please do not let yourself go less than 2 times a week. Myself, I am in there 4 or 5 times a week but that's for the pleasure of practicing it as much as anything.

My school does regularly offer special seminars on the weekends as well as a Women's Fight Club on Saturdays and Thursdays. The Km schools in your area may offer something similar.

Women's Fight Club? I love the sound of that! if only I wasn't so far away!
The question is 'How prepared do you feel you need to be'......if the answer is very prepared, then eventually you'll have to train your techniques with hard-sparring.....

...and one's answer is anything but "very prepared," he/she needs to do some serious work on his/her mindset.
I see some of you are posting somethings that are not constructive at all... this was a thread to bring to light some training she received that increased her effectiveness 100%.... now we must continue her on that positive path rather than kicking up dust or steering her in a completely differnt direction.... she is not marketing, she didnt even leave a website or contact info..... she also does not need to strap on pads and spar with people or get familiar with any more "combat sports" .... she needs to continue to learn how to effectively target her opposition and cause traumatic effects in them....
she can no longer play by the rules because she must be bigger and stronger and faster or she loses.... this is far from the truth.... the one who is injured repeatedly is the one who loses and size and strenght have nothing to do with causing injury....
********. Anyone who claims you can be an effective martial artist without sparring is a charlatan. And most likely "marketing" something.

It's like claiming you can gain the skills of a professional football player simply by practicing the runs, studying the plays and NEVER hitting or being hit by someone's BOGUS!

"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth!" -Mike Tyson

Folks who think fighting.....REAL fighting is like ballet are in for a RUDE awakening when the moment's MORE akin to rugby or football, with bodies slamming in to the each other, cussing, sweating, bleeding, screaming!

Telling a woman she can go through the motions, without having to apply it at full speed, are simply selling her a bill of goods that will fail when the moment arrives. You can only prepare for fighting by FIGHTING!
how can i or anyone don a padded ensemble, openly spar with a partner and learn to effectively target and traumatize the human anatomy....its backpeddling....
especially a woman with a distinct size and strength disadvantage.... women need to be trained that any confrontation or opposition by a male adversary should be deemed life threatening.... so why should she be trained to try to out move and out muscle someone with an obvious advantage.... sparring with pads is useful for combat sports alone.... not a violent confrontation

they must learn to injure.... not to play patty cake

in fact... i am training under a false sense of security and can in no way guage the effectiveness or in-effectiveness of my striking.... it becomes a competition and falls under certain rules( have to be bigger-stronger-faster).... a person cant pick thier opponent and make sure they match up perfectly.... so why train that way....

when the shtf you will do what you train.... and if you are used to kicking bags and sparring with pads then you are sol.... the memory of my good friend shervin tehranchi says so.... he was an excellent martial artisit and had several black belts.... he trained muay thai, juijitsu and wing chuna s well.... he was an instructor to many and revered as the fighter to beat.... he was stabbed to death after preventing his brother from being robbed.... he actually squared up, fought 5 gangsters and beat them.... until the knife came out and went int his neck and heart .....

this is the severity and the reason why training witht he right principles is paramount..... if combat sports is your thing then yes you are right.....

but if martialism or combat alone is what one is preparing for then sparring with pads could not be farther from the truth

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