Hello, Read and watch as many books and videos on "Women's rape prevention materials..take what you feel is workable for your style of classes.
Talk to your local police department for all information on laws,requirements,about recent cases,do's and don't, and even have a police officer give a short class on stories and preventions.
Remember keep it simple and easy to remember...because most of the women want simple/easy things they can do to escape. Plus the adrenline factor/fear...will cause them to panic.
1st thing..to teach..is how not to become a victim...how to forcus on escaping
Think of it as a fight to live..because they may get kill anyway ..FIGHT BACK ALWAYS...
Eyes,nose, slap ears,thoat, stomp the ankles,groin areas..keep the attacks simple, easy to do, and practice and practice...keep it simple
we teach the ankle stomp if the attack is every on the ground and you can get up to STOMP THE ANKLES...idea is to break them so they cannot chase you.
Most people have a hard time ripping someone eyes out...you will have to teach them to over come any compassion for the attacker....the rapist is doing more than just a sexual act....read all you can about this!!!
So much information on line....KISS (keep it simple stupid)...always...Aloha