Lots of people say that the wolverine's cousins, the ferrets, make great pets.
Fact is, wild animals can be pets, just not for anyone. It's the same with most breeds of dogs-I have a fila brasiliero-at more than 150 lbs., and with an atavistic hatred towards strangers, they're not for just any owner. In fact, most responsible breeders do a good job of screening prospective owners, because these dogs can quite literally kill somebody, because, well, that's what they do.
This woman should obviously not have had that animal-the line was blurred as to who was in charge a long, long time ago. All animals respond to routine, and controlled stimuli, and this is what "pets" (or stunt animals for film, or circus animals, etc) must have. Something made the chimp react this way, and it was within the owner's control, or should have been. Odds are good the (unauthorized?) medication had something to do with it, but it could have been anything. She also probably was no longer capable of maintaining any kind of dominance with the animal (and this isn't about physicality, it's about controlled stimuli and psychology) if she ever had any.