Orange Belt
yesterday afternoon at 1:00pm, i was returning from last minute Easter shopping for the kids. the exit from the underground parking lot is up an enclosed set of stairs. when i opened the door i was greeted by a couple of street guys doing crack. now they let me pass but when i passed the last guy he got a little abusive. anyway the long and short of it was he followed me up spoiling for a fight. even going so far as to say he would kill me. my first inclination was to attack, blow out his knee and damage him. then a weird thing happened, while we were jawing at each other, my mental vantage point shifted to a point above the whole situation (out of body experience?)and i noticed things like, he was high and beligerent, one of his hands had stayed in his pocket the whole time, there was a lady sitting in the passenger seat of a car across the road watching and lots of other details, all viewed in the third person.
i wasn't frightened but very cautious. i had a fence in place to get him to keep his distance, but at one point i saw the stuffed animals i bought for my kids peaking out of the bag on the ground and in a moment of total clarity i thought how am i going to explain hurting this guy to my kids when i can probably walk away, will i be able to explain it to the police?or what if he gets lucky and stabs me with whatever is in his pocket? father killed on easter weekend? this whole thing took place in about 60 seconds. seemed like hours.
i ended up diffusing the situation enough to walk away. no one hurt, very surreal experience. if my kids were with me this would have gotten ugly, quickly, luckily i was alone. i notified the authorities when i got home.
it's taken a day to try and analyze the whole bizarre situation.
1) going up the steps, into an obvious creepy situation, with both hands full, dumb.
2) jawing with the idiot, dumb.
3) slow to switch over to survival mode(thinking more like it was the street version of ufc), dumb
4) situational awareness up and running
5) analyzing the situation(maybe too much?)
6) getting out of the situation without anyone being hurt.
7) biggest lesson learned. share your love and your life with your family because in the blink of an eye, when least expected, it can be over.
hope this hasn't sounded too silly, i'm still working it out.
so, this is how i spent my saturday, has anyone been in a similar situation, how did you handle it?
i wasn't frightened but very cautious. i had a fence in place to get him to keep his distance, but at one point i saw the stuffed animals i bought for my kids peaking out of the bag on the ground and in a moment of total clarity i thought how am i going to explain hurting this guy to my kids when i can probably walk away, will i be able to explain it to the police?or what if he gets lucky and stabs me with whatever is in his pocket? father killed on easter weekend? this whole thing took place in about 60 seconds. seemed like hours.
i ended up diffusing the situation enough to walk away. no one hurt, very surreal experience. if my kids were with me this would have gotten ugly, quickly, luckily i was alone. i notified the authorities when i got home.
it's taken a day to try and analyze the whole bizarre situation.
1) going up the steps, into an obvious creepy situation, with both hands full, dumb.

2) jawing with the idiot, dumb.

3) slow to switch over to survival mode(thinking more like it was the street version of ufc), dumb

4) situational awareness up and running

5) analyzing the situation(maybe too much?)

6) getting out of the situation without anyone being hurt.

7) biggest lesson learned. share your love and your life with your family because in the blink of an eye, when least expected, it can be over.
hope this hasn't sounded too silly, i'm still working it out.
so, this is how i spent my saturday, has anyone been in a similar situation, how did you handle it?