Chimpanzee attacks owner and police

The lady who got mauled by this chimp is in pretty bad condition, apparently with parts of her face torn off, and possible some extremities, too.
I wasn't sure to make a new thread or connect it to this one ... but anyway...
This is the continuation of the story of the lady who got mauled... the video has been warned as graphic but I find it just tragic to see this poor woman with her injuries and the resultant MRI scan.. the triumph is her family, her daughter and brothers who stood by her side as well as her indomitable spirit ...

There was a YouTube video of the segment where she unveiled her face for Oprah and I found it to be a VERY brave thing for her to do. Tragic that she had thought she would be able to see again but doctors had to tell her the sad truth.

Yet re-reading the thread we talked about how powerful these animals are... with the above articles we can actually SEE just how powerful.
I would be in agreement with the lawsuits against the owner AND the state who KNEW yet didn't take appropriate action to have the animal quarantined and placed in a safer haven/environment.
I saw that on the news. Her injuries are horrific. She has a fantastic attitude in spite of it all. My heart goes out to her and her family.

It was reported that a hand and face transplant are options down the road. It doesn't undo the tragedy, but I hope this woman can gain some semblance of a normal life.

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