Chat Discussion

Which Night of the week is best for a Chat Room Discussion?

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Originally posted by Rob_Broad
After reading the big plan chat with Dennis Conatser, I have pretty well avoided the Chathroom. The tenor of the night and the way the chat was handled has made many of the people who were looking forward to larger chat event's pretty leery. Chatroom are meant to be a place to share ideas and converse, not be told to be quiet. I pop into the chatroom to be social and share so I only go in sporadically.


Cool Idea, to have everyone the chance to say what they want and to discuss it. I have not decided anything about the level of moderation I will request from our team. So here is your and everyone elses chance to give me some input.

First the special Event with a person is in a different room. So you still can go and be socialable in that room. So if it is off topic then you can chat there while my chat event is going on.

Yet. if I request no or very light moderation then how do I shout down people or are cracking jokes or being impolite and not giving others a chance to ask their questions or for me to reply? Would you support me or another mod n the room to kick the problem people out for a short period of time.

Honestly I am looking forward to your feedback.

Two reasons, One assuming people want to talk to me :D, I want ti to go well. Second, I and others have received e-mails from certain people that still admit they are only hanging around to be the fly in the soup here on this board.

So please Rob and others, give me your feedback and your opinions.

Thank You
I actually think that instead of the large scheduled chats with a special guest that an interview would work better. Have a thread where the members can ask their questions and then they can be addressed by the person who conducts the interview. This would allow every person who wishes to be involved have their say so to speak.

The scheduled event I mentioned earlier seemed like a joke to me, I have no real problem with moderation in a chatroom, but often a phrase by one person can open up a plethora of other questions, but the way it was ran that night it was pretty much let Dennis talk and don't question his wisdom. There was many times when if he had stopped for a couple seconds he would have had several other questions which would have made the knowledge more accesible to everyone instead of few. I understand that was the first big chatroom event and you guys are still learning, but a little control over Mr. Conatser would have probably helped more people. I really like Dennis and have nothing against him, but i don't think a chatroom was the best forum for him to share his knowledge. I wish you guys the best of luck with events in the Chatroom, unless the guest knows how to moderate the event as well as the moderators it will always be more of a lecture than a forum of questions.
It was of course our first chat and we considered it somewhat experimental. We knew there was some frustration but were mimicing a style we'd seen used before. Constructive criticism like this is most welcome.

Also, the regular chat room is open for conversation during special events, which are held in a separate chat room.

-MT Admin-
The style of 'heavy moderation' has worked in other chats on other services. The biggest problem wasn't the side tangent questions, it was folks who would pop in and not know what was going on. My concern was also to make sure that those who asked a question, got an answer, rather then being lost in the shuffle of a free-for-all.

It was a learning experience.

I expect that future chats will vary in how they are run, depending on who is involved, and how it is structured. An "open session' is more free flowing than a 'Q&A' for example.
Another point is, sometimes, a 'chat' is not the right 'medium' for this, and a normal 'interview' would be better.

In those cases, we will probably accept questions for a few days, and then do a more traditional interview.

We plan on many approaches. :)
I still can't get into the chat room via AOL. I can get in on a couple other browsers but aol is my main access to the net. Is there anything specific that can be done about that or will I just have to continue to open a second browser to chat?
Sadly, you will have to continue to use a different browser. AOL refuses to follow established standards with its browser.

Not much we can do sadly.
Aol is my ISP as well and gives me nothing but trouble.

Time for a change, i guess.
Well, that does it!!! Someone call Ashida Kim and have him dispatch a few of his ninjas to AOL headquarters!! Not a problem with the browser really, just a minor inconvenience. My wife has downloaded just about every conceivable browser she can find (her version of MMA I think):shrug: So I have plenty of options.
Just a side note: We have heard the complaints about shortcomings and other issues with the current software.

The statement "What do you expect for free" comes to mind. The software is a freebie, and sadly hasn't really been activly 'upgraded' in a few years. We kicked it where we could to try n fix it.

A new version of a different chatscript was release recently, and we are evaluating its merits. A few pluses so far is its faster, less 'flicker', and is supposed to be standards complient. (That means if AOHell got their XHTML stuff right, it should work)

I've seen a few others out there, but sadly they cost $$ we just cant spend at the moment. I realize its a catch 22. We cant justify spending the coin for something thats used occationally, and we understand that if there weren't so many problems with the existing software, it would see more use. (That make sence?)

So, short form: we're looking at a major upgrade. More info once we decide if we're gonna set it up and beat on it.

I Have been thinking about how I would like to try this chat.

I think I would like to try the Presidential Press Release style.

With a slight modifications.

I will answer a question and or follow up discussions. Then I will ask for next question please.

Everyone can shout to their hearts content,and I will pick one to answer.

The good part is everyone can try to get in The bad part is I might not get to your question for a while as I might be thinking about it in the background.

How does this come across to everyone?

I would require at least one additional Mod to wwatch and help with some of the technical issues, as I will be busy typing many responses. :D
I didn't like the chatroom becuase it kept locking up and I have problems entering. isn't worth the effort.
As of now Saturday has the most votes

Saturday the 19th of July.

Time Slot?

I am thinking about 9:30 PM ( Eastern Daylight Savings Time ) so it is 7:30 PM on the west coast.

Everyone get your questions ready and tell your friends. :D

who are all these people with nothing better to do on a saturday?

Doesnt' the dojo stay open on saturdays? DOn't you people see movies? GO out with the kids? SOmething? Wow...who would have thought saturday as the stay at home and talk on the computer day.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
who are all these people with nothing better to do on a saturday?

Doesnt' the dojo stay open on saturdays? DOn't you people see movies? GO out with the kids? SOmething? Wow...who would have thought saturday as the stay at home and talk on the computer day.

Personally, Tuesday Night would have been great for me :D

Yet the people and the public have spoken. (* Said in a Ceasar like voice ;) *)

I could do multiple nights?
I say pick one night to keep it organized. You're in there enough that people can ask followups if they want to at some point.
I have a party that night, but I will make sure I read the log ;)
ive used it a couple of times and i enjoy it. i would like to see more people there also :)
OK it is 9:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time which is 7:30 PM Pacific.

I hope to see you all there.

Bring You Modern Arnis Questions and let's have fun!
