Changing style while fighting!!

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Me and a friend of mine were attending a Convention last year and they had a bulletin board. Well we really had nothing to do and I saw tons of people running around in Gi's and uniforms, (Anime Convention). Anyway, I posted on the board "5 dollars for CMA lessons" and I gave the room number. You know a nice way to meet people and possibly make a little cash while I was there. Well, midway through the day a young man comes to my door and knocks. I open it and see a 5'7 140 pound black guy at my door. (DONT WORRY I AM BLACK TOO!!) He then tells me he came for my sign and he has his hands crossed. We chat for a few seconds and then I understand that he wants to fight me in the hall. I was trying to tell him that I was just giving lessons and trying to meet some fellow CMA at the con. But he wanted to fight me. So I took a stance and we began. I drove my first punch right through his head, literally forcing his head back and touching his neck, I guess he thought I wasnt that fastm cause I did it again. Ok. Then he changes styles. When we first started he was in a wide tai chi stance and I saw that he could not move fast enough to escape a simple jab. So thats what I hit him with, twice. Thats when changed to a Muay Thai stance. Almost a cat stance. I then threw a kick to his groin and he literally lifted off the ground. (NOT LIKE 3 FEET OFF THE GROUND JUST LIFTED A BIT!) And I went for the punch again but used it to grab his arm and kick him again. Then he changes stances again. Now he is in a capeoria (hope I spell it right) stance moving back and forth. His head comes forward and I pop him in the face, he sweeps his leg around but I catch it when I punch him and try to keep him from falling down, I fall with him. I am not over by the wall on one knee. He runs towards me and as he gets close I yank a huge piece of his hair out. You see at the time I didnt know how much force to use because I didnt know if I was really fighting him or sparring him. But when I pull out his hair I stopped for a sec, and realized what I just did. He jumps on my back and puts me in a headlock trying to choke me. I dont even try to pull his arms off cause thats a waste of energy I just bite his hand. He makes a comment like" Oh so we have a real fighter here huh?" I dont bite bite his hand I just put my teeth on it like your dog does when he doesnt like what your are doing. He puts his mouth on your hand. I did that. Of course I am still thinking about what to do cause I really dont want to hurt this man. I was already faster, stronger and had hit him 4 times. My friend then comes out of the room and asks me what am I doing, I say " Messing around" and he says, beat him so we can get something to eat. So then I stand up with him on my back and back up against the wall and sandwhich him there and he lets go. He then stops attacking me. Telling me that I am the real thing and that most people dont know what to do when they get on the ground. There are 3 things about this that scare me. 1. Do people challenges others like this all the time? Other than this incident I have seen it happen to a friend of my teachers. 2.Should I have just gone for the KO? I am so disappointed in myself but at the sametime I am not because I controlled myself but at what cost? and 3. Has anyone else ever fought a person who just changes styles in a fight like that? I swear I was looking around for the movie cameras cause thats what it felt like. I am going to post this in General self defense, CMA and Kenpo. Please, your thoughts on it. Also what would you have done, And what did I do wrong?
You should have taken the red pill, when you answered the door and you would have woken up!

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Personally, I'd love to know which con lets folks do that. The ones I've been to are usually a bit harder on such things.
FasterthanDeath said:
Please, your thoughts on it. Also what would you have done, And what did I do wrong?
You went to an event where folks are likely to blur the lines between anime/sci fi/fantasy and the real world....then you walked into the fight (if it really happened) instead of shutting and locking the door and calling security....
And what did I do wrong?
But he wanted to fight me. So I took a stance and we began.
I am so disappointed in myself but at the sametime I am not because I controlled myself
I then threw a kick to his groin and he literally lifted off the ground.
He runs towards me and as he gets close I yank a huge piece of his hair out.
I dont even try to pull his arms off cause thats a waste of energy I just bite his hand.
I do know just as much as they do. And I can prove it. But still, after I get done telling you, showing you, and even impressing you it just comes back to my age.
then, by Kaith:

A true master shows the way...a wannabe spends all day shouting 'look how good I am'.
You should not of put the sign up. Even if it was just to meet other CMA people. If you saw folks in Gi's you could of just started talking to them.

When he knocked on your door and wanted to fight you should of excersized the best martial art of all.... "The art of fighting with out fighting." You tell him hold on a minute then shut the door and locked it.

I dont know where your from. But here in SoCal they dont play. I ve known people personally who went to tell some guys not to sit on his car. Then they started a fight with him. While he was fighting some guy, others went into his apt and robbed his Uncle at gun point, then they pulled a gun on him , brought him in his apt and robbed of everything on his body, wallet, watch, money in his pocket..everything.

You cannot play with people. You cannot leave yourself open for any yahoo with a tude to try to bang you out..... dont draw attention to yourself. Remain humble. I teach my students a code. The code is
Pursuit of Wisdom
IMO you are a very lucky young man.

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