Changing styles while fighting??!!!!

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We are starting to drift off topic now.

I do agree that the primary goal in a teacher sparring or fighting with a student should be to teach them, sometimes this means beating them, and sometimes it means allowing them to beat you so they learn to fight.

FTD - You are all over the place. Never let anyone accuse you of being borring. You really should learn to be more mature, train with som more humble people, preferably ones that can shut you up when you talk too much.
I'm not gonna say I could beat you in a fight, but, I'm not gonna say I couldn't either. You sound like a lot of "huff and Puff":rolleyes:
I do train with humble people. My instructor was a very humble person. I dont claim to be the greatest, and I dont challenge people to fight me. And finally I dont run my mouth and disrespect others. And you huff and puff comment, your the one telling me that I need to train with someone who can shut me up. When it comes down to it, anyone can lose on any giving day. But if I walk away, I won. Because my goal is survival. Its not about winning or losing, I lost that idea back when I was a child. But of course to many of you who posted I act like a immature child, when I just want to know the truth. Not your truth, not his or her truth. THE truth. What I really like is how people here think what happened last year at that convention never happened. When I told my friend about that we started to laugh, cause I guess he imagined it too. We imagined my ankle being strained, the strain of hair that I pulled from his head, HEY maybe I imagined the whole entire thing, even my training. But then again maybe I didnt. You know my teacher was only in two fights his whole life. One when he was a child and one when he was mugged by his car. He was a very humble man, and told me that he never wanted to hurt another human being on the planet. Then I have my kenpo instructer who got into god knows how many bar fights and street fights. He said later on in training we were going on "field trips" to see what we learned in action. Thats what I have to compare in the MA world. One man who respects life the other who loves destruction and chaos. This is what I feel the MA world is. Very black and white, and I thought maybe here on this website it would be different, but its not. But I still hope that there is more life than death. I hope this post entertains you as my other ones do.
FasterthanDeath said:
And finally I dont run my mouth and disrespect others.

When it comes down to it, anyone can lose on any giving day. But if I walk away, I won. Because my goal is survival.

Its not about winning or losing, I lost that idea back when I was a child. .
The post was entertaining like a car wreck, can't take your eyes off it even though you know you should just move on.

In response to the first quoted selection: Well, open internet challenges seem to be 'mouth running' material.

Secondly: You seem to have forgotten that lesson when you walked into that hallway to square off against a total stranger whose intent you didn't know - other than he wanted to fight.

And finally: So you must have done a lot of growing up since last year.

What ever the situation, real or imagined, I doubt that your humble instructors would see the above behavior as good representation of yourself, your instructor or your arts. If he does, then he has a different mentallity than most of the people civilian and military who I have trained with concerning responsible use of force.
Well, I've posted things I know are true but could be seen as unbelievable lies. In my time I've written so badly as to give a completely wrong impression.

It takes time to get your internet writing style right. At first you write as if you were speaking, but that doesn't work, becuase when you are speaking you are often moderating what you are saying with your body language. Problem is, no-one can see you in the forums. They can't hear your voice either.

A classic one was your 'I hit like an agent statement'. I figure what you meant was 'It's the basic power that matters not the fancy style'. It came across as 'I have fantasy magic powers'.

In the end I'm not hung up on whether people are telling the truth or not. I take just about everything anyone says at any time with a pinch of salt. If I learn something, it could be true or not.

As for your opponent changing styles: At least he wasn't dumb enough to stick with his losing plan for any length of time.
Thank you Bod, thats exactly what I meant. I used that analogy because I had said something earlier about the matrix, it was a way of fitting in what I was trying to say by keeping it in the same subject matter. Thank you very much for listening. Yeah he didnt keep his stance but I really thought that people would just keep one. I have only seen one MMA do that and it was him but hey, you always learn something new.
FasterthanDeath said:
Well since to you both I seem to be entertaining, let me answer you questions, Just because I attend those tournaments every year doesnt mean I participate and where did I get my experience from? who did I fight? I am mixed. Biracial, black and white. I live in Texas. I live in a upper middle class neighborhood, and when I attended school was one of the 12 black kids that went. People hated me cause I was not them. I wasnt white enough for the white kids, and Black enough for the black kids. When I was done with school and had friends whose parents didnt like me because of my skin color and had to deal with them too. And dont get me wrong, I am not posting this for your sympathy or anything from anyone as a matter of fact. But I will tell you this. For those who doubt, I will be at this years Taiji and you wont miss me I will be the big black guy dressed all in black, and if you want to see what I can do we can take it outside, or I can drop you where you are. You can talk to me or you show me how I am wrong. I will be there. Hope to see you. If not, it would be a good competition regardless. Of course more words from the both of you is what I expect, nothing more. Cause you can say anything on a message board, but take away the internet, and all you are is two guys talking. Hope to see you there.

You remind me alot of my friend, he is at a point in his training where he is very confident about his abillity, worked hard to get there, and does not like it when people question him or challenge him. I understand where your comming from, you grew up rough, and you dont like being disrespected. But the best thing to do is just shrug it off, do some soft training like tai chi kata. Relax a little bit. Try to get rid of the fury inside you and be the bigger person here. Be nice and respectful until its time to fight, then be ruthless, let your fury pour out onto your opponent. Until then be very respectful even when your challenged, you will be more politicly correct that way, and most people will respect you and take your side when you **** someone up. Mainly the court room!

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