From what you state, you are being honest and truthful not trying to take credit from someone else's works and giving credit where credit is due.Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:GD7...
When I do teach, I teach an amalgamation of Kenpo (& a couple offshoots), Japanese Judo & Jujutsu, BJJ, JKD modified kick-boxing, and Thai. I don't claim it as my invention, or as anything new. In fact, I'll make it a point to say, "this is from AK"...or..."this is from Judo", etc.
Again, commendable and not what I'm talking about.Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:I haven't magically conferred a new rank on myself (although Dr. Dave, Super-Master does have a unique ring to it), nor do I claim to be the fountainhead of all knowledge from which this information sprung. Just the source for this class, citing references as I go (old habit from too many research papers).
From what you state...... you are safe......LOL expanding and coming up with new ideas or drills is what we are suppose to do. Please continue along your path and enrich the Art.Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:Am I, by not being a purist, one of the reprehensible founders, or merely someone sharing what he's learned along the way, to the best of his limited ability to recall it? (a diminished capacity to which I also frequently admit to students).
LOL, well, one of "them" on which side of the coin......LOL if you are talking about those that mislead folks ........ I would say NO, you blew it...... we can crack crab together.Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:I'm not saying this to be antagonistic, btw. Just wondering if I managed to become one of "them" when I wasn't looking.
