Changing my flag

testing, testing. Being retired is great.
And all these years I thought you were in Washington state I find out you Norwegian..... oh wait,,,you're retired..... sorry... I am not sure I can talk to you any longer.... at least not until I retire... i may have to put you on ignore for a few months...or 2 years...deoending on when I NORWEGIAN you..... And you just had to rub it in didn't are NOT only retired you are in NORWAY!!!!! That was one of my favorite countries to go to, heck, I'd have moved there if I were younger.....sheesh...a guy retires and then starts rubbing it in and causing trouble....just can't leave of envious jealous guys be CAN YOU!!!!!

Wait...there are British people, Canadians and...dare I say it...Australians on MT... what is this site coming to...heck, it was bad enough when I found out there were Texans here a few years back :D
Do you know why the wind blows in Oklahoma? Because Texas sucks. General Ulysses Grant said, ā€œ If I owned Texas and I owned Hell, I would live in Hell and rent out Texasā€.