U.S. Flag Recalled After Causing 143 Million Deaths

American Intervention tipped the scales toward the British and allowed the Allies to impose the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, crushing their economy, and creating the conditions for dictatorship. Americans also financially supported Bolshevism as a counterbalance against the powers of central europe, unleashing that dog on the world.

Here is a great book on the subject.


Where did you all learn your history? Government school?

At any rate, here's more satire that Bill might appreciate. World War Two is the Democrats fault!

You are not serious?
The war would have dragged on, eventually the dust would have settled, the axis would have been crushed, because you can't wage war against all of the known world.
At least when the ideals symbolized by that flag, the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights, are respected by the President...

Yes, I also took this as a slam at GWB's invasion of Iraq ion false grounds and all the needless deaths that caused.
You are not serious?
The war would have dragged on, eventually the dust would have settled, the axis would have been crushed, because you can't wage war against all of the known world.

Nope, it was a stalemate until America entered. Without US intervention, peace treaties would have been more balanced and history would have been far different.
How do you figure that??? We won WWI like we "won" WWII? The Nazi domination of Europe was something we shouldn't have intervened in??

It's held by many that the proximate cause of WWII was the Treaty of Versailles (esp. Article 231 et seq.) that ended WWI and placed harsh restraints on Germany, causing great economic misery and humiliating military restrictions. It was more the British and French who wanted to make them suffer, though.
Im not saying our nation is faultless..not by a LONG shot, but the idea that we are any different/worse in the scope of history when compared to any other nation is hogwash. We are fairly "clean" when compared to the historic record of most of the nations who like to criticize us.*

*slavery and the genocide of the native pop. omitted
Or the history of North America pre-European landing, Russia, Japan, China, Africa, Central America, South America, Europe as a whole...compared to all of that history...we really can't compare with the horrors inflicted on humanity by these countries...

*slavery and the genocide of the native pop. omitted

The practice of cannablism and human sacrifice and slavery, practised by the native populations in North America, and Central and South America, before the Europeans arrived should never be omitted from the historical record...
I think this little tidbit of news is relevant...


[h=2]The African nation of Tanzania was finally held accountable for allowing a diplomat who enslaved an African woman on U.S. soil to return home. [/h]The diplomat had reportedly been operating at high levels of government. Alan Mzengi was found to be liable for a $1 million civil judgement for forcing a young woman to live and work against her will as a domestic servant on U.S. soil. The judgement came in 2008 after the woman escaped from four years of slavery. She had been kept against her will by the diplomat and forced to be a domestic servant for no pay.

And what was that add on to Tgace's post...something about slavery...the kind that still exists in Africa...?

Every country has done things that they regret...as they mature as a country. But for the short time the United States has been in existence it has dealt with problems that plagued humanity since it's creation...and has done much to make the world both more peaceful and more prosperous...and the pampered class that sits in judgement, like the guys at the onion, and the other academic and media outlets, always fail to see that...

It is like the children of a wealthy, business owner, who don't understand where their lifestyle comes from, mock the hard work of their parent's and attack whatever moral failings their parent's may have, and then squander the fortune the parent's leave to them...all the while acting as though they are morally superior to their parent's because they "get it," and their parents don't.
Or the history of North America pre-European landing, Russia, Japan, China, Africa, Central America, South America, Europe as a whole...compared to all of that history...we really can't compare with the horrors inflicted on humanity by these countries...

The practice of cannablism and human sacrifice and slavery, practised by the native populations in North America, and Central and South America, before the Europeans arrived should never be omitted from the historical record...

"They did it too." Isn't an excuse.
Not thinking that the U.S. is somehow above reproach is not the same as not appreciating the positive things it's done.
"They did it too." Isn't an excuse.

Neither is even though everyone else did it, and much worse and in greater ways...America deserves more blame...
Neither is even though everyone else did it, and much worse and in greater ways...America deserves more blame...

Why do people feel like they have to defend their countries reputation? It's just a lump of dirt you were born on top of. This whole flag business is really silly when you consider it.

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