Capoeira Curiosities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bigodinho
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Phoenix44 said:
Capoeira has strong kicks, including front, roundhouse, hook, side, crescent and various spinning kicks. There are sweeps and take downs, blocks, evasions, floor work, and nice overall body movement. So, does that sound like something that can be used for self defense? Actually, it sounds a lot like the karate and jujustsu we also practice.
But as far as self-defense is concerned, I'd hate to be kicked by a ticked off capoeirista.
DeLamar.J said:
I feel that effective fighting involves 30% kicks, and 70 to 80% hands.
Well, it sounds like to me from what Phoenix44 said, capoeira can be an effective way to fight in self defense.

There are some other martial styles that aren't heavy on the kicking and/or hand (punching) and still remain effective (judo comes to mind here). In other words, I don't think there is a hard and fast percentage for "effective fighting".

IMHO, it is not the style that makes fighting/self defense effective, it is the martial artist using the physical body in an effective way.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
There are some other martial styles that aren't heavy on the kicking and/or hand (punching) and still remain effective (judo comes to mind here). In other words, I don't think there is a hard and fast percentage for "effective fighting".

- Ceicei
That reveals that I am a hard core striker lol. Wich is my weakness.
Ceicei said:
Looks impressive.

The question I have is, since capoeira is a martial arts, how would you adapt it in a self defense situation? If this takes away from your thread, perhaps a new thread can be made addressing that question? Very little is known about capoeira, even among MA circles.

- Ceicei
Well, from what you saw in that video, the basis of capoeira is to move around your opponent. It's harder to hit a moving target. Most experts say if someone pulls a gun on you, the best thing to do is run because there's a 90% chance he's not going to hit. The same holds true here. Capoeiristas are always moving, always thinking, always finding a different angle to attack. Capoeira thinks defense first, where is the safest place I can attack from, whether it be from the ground of standing straight up in front or from the side. We use the fundamentals of capoeira, the kicks, the evasive manuevers (there are no blocks in capoeira), the staying mobile. The flips and so forth, that's all for show. In the rare case, you may find a capoeirista who has a practical use for flips, for example, to escape an attack. But for the most part, we are taught fundamentals, flips you have to learn on your own.
Phoenix44 said:
As I mentioned, my daughter and I trained in capoeira for a short while. Unfortunately, we had to stop training for reasons that had nothing to do with capoeira. Here's what we think:

Capoeira has strong kicks, including front, roundhouse, hook, side, crescent and various spinning kicks. There are sweeps and take downs, blocks, evasions, floor work, and nice overall body movement. So, does that sound like something that can be used for self defense? Actually, it sounds a lot like the karate and jujustsu we also practice.

I don't know where anyone got the idea that your hands are always on the ground when you play capoeira. And sure, we play with music, singing and rhythm. If you're really good (and we weren't!) you can also do the more gymnastic movements--jumping spinning kicks and flips. But as far as self-defense is concerned, I'd hate to be kicked by a ticked off capoeirista.
You are absolutely right.

One thing about the music is that it tells the history of capoeira. Sometimes the songs can be non-sensical, others can be challenges, but most tell the history of capoeira and of the great masters. Some songs can be prayers asking for protection in the roda (hoh-dah/The capoeira circle where two capoeiristas play). The purpose of the capoeira circle is to keep the energy in capoeira contained. The music feeds the action in the circle, it dictates what kind of game to be played.

The three traditional games in capoeira we play are CAPOEIRA REGIONAL, Fast paced kicks, acrobatics, more martial in nature, plenty of contact in a class enviornment never in a demonstration; BENGUELA (BAHN-GEH-LAH), low ground movments, very sneaky, similar to the traditional for of Capoeira Angola except a little faster; IUNA (EE-YUNA), a game of skill, a game played by graduated levels of capoeirista, no contact, a chance to show your most flashy moves. The rhythm of Iuna is also used as a funeral song to pay homage to fallen capoeiristas.
Bigodinho said:
. The flips and so forth, that's all for show. In the rare case, you may find a capoeirista who has a practical use for flips, for example, to escape an attack. But for the most part, we are taught fundamentals, flips you have to learn on your own.
i completely understand. in our school we have some flashy/show moves that we do, but we are taught that they are simpley for enjoyment purposes. what would fall under the word "art" in martial arts. one realizes that some moves probably won't work in real combat, but why not learn them for the fun. also some of those "show moves" are helpful for learning other body movements and stuff in the future.
Enson said:
i completely understand. in our school we have some flashy/show moves that we do, but we are taught that they are simpley for enjoyment purposes. what would fall under the word "art" in martial arts. one realizes that some moves probably won't work in real combat, but why not learn them for the fun. also some of those "show moves" are helpful for learning other body movements and stuff in the future.
Check out this clip...

A capoeira graduation is known as a Batizado (Bah-chee-zahdoh/Baptism). It's figurtively known as a baptism because it is conisdered your first welcome into the world of capoeira. Whenever you receive your first cord at your first batizado, usually your yellow cord, you only play against one instructor or master. That one instructor or master will be your capoeira Padrino/Madrina ("Godfather" or "Godmother"). The guy in this clip is my Padrino. He's one of I'd say about 5 capoeiristas I personally know that has a practical use for everything he does in capoeira. He's amazing. Just watch.
i just contacted the fresno "cap" school... "jason diaz". i'm going to go this weds to check out his "academia". this weds or sat. i don't know. i wonder could you do "cap" with salsa music? that is one of my favorite music styles and i think it would be cool to see cap done with salsa.

also how good/bad is joselito santos? i saw his videos on panther.
Enson said:
i just contacted the fresno "cap" school... "jason diaz". i'm going to go this weds to check out his "academia". this weds or sat. i don't know. i wonder could you do "cap" with salsa music? that is one of my favorite music styles and i think it would be cool to see cap done with salsa.

also how good/bad is joselito santos? i saw his videos on panther.
Tell Jay (Jason), Bigo said what's up. Tell him to call me too, because I might make a trip out there soon. Jay's my brother, he'll take care of you.

Salsa music, huh? I love salsa, because I'm Puerto Rican, but I've never tried capoeira to it though. They all have the same foundation of African rhythms though. Salsa, Merengue, Rumba, Samba, Cumbia... all those Carribbean styles of music all pretty much have the same base rhythms that root from African drumming.

By the way. Who's Joselito Santos? Do you have a link for his videos? I'd like to see him.
Enson said:
you can find joselito santos on just look around a bit and you'll find it.

re: "jay" when i see him i'll let him know.
Please do not waste your time with these videos. There's only one place to learn true capoeira, and that's in an academy. I was reading the descriptions of some of the videos. "Advanced Techniques" claims, "Learn the highly advanced and intricate fighting and kicking skills of the ancient Capoeira warriors." Ancient Capoeira Warriors? That's funny. The "Capoeira Forms" claims, "These movements are required for achieving black belt level in this exotic Brazilian martial art." The only black "belt" (wrong terminology) is a master, and that's only in some groups, like ours. We don't study forms to acheive a certain rank. There's so much more to it than that.

These videos are no good in my opinion. Looks like someone out to make a buck. I talked about this recently. Videos like this contribute to the dilution of quality capoeira in the world. Not upholding the traditions and philosophies of capoeira. These videos should be used as a good source of comedy, please don't use videos to train capoeira. Train in an academy under the direction of an instructor or master who can observe and correct you when needed. So you can get the experience of playing with other capoeiristas, and learning the music. Capoeira is a social art. You can't play capoeira with one person. It's impossible.
Oh, one last thing about those videos. The last one on that list is "Capoeira Ungala"... that doesn't even exist. It is Capoeira ANGOLA, not Ungala. That right there should tell you the validity of these videos.

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