I dont think anyone has the right to say an art is not effective in self-defense unless that person has trained under every instructor that art has to offer. Otherwise it's just plain ignorance. DeLamar has a cocky attitude and thinks he knows everything about every art. He'd likely tell me that Praying Mantis Kung Fu is not a self defense art, yet he's probably never fought anyone who took it.
Aside from that, Capoiera has always interested me. Especially back in my days of playing Eddie Gordo on Tekken 3. It's a beautiful martial art that looks like it requires a load of flexibility and body strength that I am a long way from as of yet (im still working on it

). I have no doubt that I would not want to get into a fight with an experienced capoiera player, as one good shot from their legs would likely end the fight for me.
but a question for your Bigodinho - Im planning on taking a trip down to Texas probably in the spring to see my girlfriend among other things - would it be possible for me to stop in and maybe just take a free class or watch one? It'd definitely be one more check for things I want to do in life.