I personally am a fan of Karate and I'd like to think of it as an unbeatable sport!
Here is a math equation to show how your comment made me feel:
Sport + Karate =
I am not a "fan" of sport karate.
Today's Te ain't got the same soul
I like that old time Karate-do.
Don't try to take me to a Sport show
You'll never even get me out on the floor
In ten minutes I'll be late for the door
I like that old time Karate-do
Still like that old time Karate-do
That kind of kata just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time Karate-do
Won't go to hear em play a tag-karate-oh
I'd rather hear some iron shoes or Makiwara-oh
There's only one sure way to get me to go
Start practicing that old time Karate-do
Call me a relic, call me what you will
Say I'm old-fashioned, say I'm over the hill
Today's sport karate ain't got the same soul
I like…