To stretch the analogy to a point approaching the elastic limit, I’d suggest that few people actually search out something healthy and nutritious. Everyone looks for convenience and tastiness. Perhaps it’s up to the food retailer to be conscientious and caring for their customer‘s long term health by providing healthy, nutritious food who’s taste they come to realise is good and maybe even ’refined’. Similarly, perhaps a martial arts purveyor has the duty to provide real, authentic, deep teaching….whatever those terms mean.
They are providing food that a 2-3 year old would covet and desire…an individual motivated by their ‘id’ (to use an outmoded concept). By locating themselves in every convenient place and at prices that only a huge corporation can elicit, they push out purveyors of healthier options. Similarly, McDojo, flood the market with ‘easy achievement‘, inauthentic martial arts, whatever that means, and sadly most people will not realise what they’re getting is of poor quality.
I don’t think most people do know which is better which is why the U.K. and the USA have the most unhealthy, obese populations in the world. Similarly, we have a huge proliferation of McDojo, the U.K. catching up with the USA.
Sorry to stretch the analogy so much. I think i’ve exceeded it’s elastic limits and Young is spinning in his grave!