Calling Somebody's Dojo A McDojo Is Offensive

Ah well, I wasn’t going to list it on Martialtalk. I was going to go to the city where the school is and plaster flyers all over town and take out a series of advertisements in the local newspapers and on the local television channels and the local Nextdoor community and Facebook and make negative comments on the school’s YouTube channel and stuff.

Because, ya know, I’ve got that toxic combination of nothing better to do with my time and an ego the size of the sun mixed with the gnawing suspicion that I ought to have moved out of my parents’ basement a couple decades ago…
What was it to begin with? It starts off by making a statement about a highly charged and often disputed concept, that of taking "offense," to a word that nobody can agree on the definition in the first place. How did we think it was going to go?

Peace favor your sword,
It gets so ridiculous sometimes. That’s when I just start joking around.
I’m not talking about sparring. I’m not a tough guy either, I have known some, that’s how I know I’m not one. The times I’ve seen it, it was a fight, not a competition. Never heard of a respectful dojo buster, I don’t think that’s a thing.
Not in this country it's not. You mentioned in an earlier post about it being normal in the 1930s in Canton but that was a different society and point in time altogether. In Modern China this isn't happening much or is just discouraged. For example, the Chinese MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong was challenging all types of Wushu masters around China but eventually got shut down by the government since he kept wrecking all of them. Times are different, and yes I know that was because he was specifically putting China's national martial arts treasure to shame, but it's still not being allowed.

Nowadays with all the laws that are common place in every civilized nation, these things are being handled in tournaments or organized matches. The risk of just busting into someone's place of training can easily be met with fines, bad rep/publicity, and/or jail time.
Not in this country it's not. You mentioned in an earlier post about it being normal in the 1930s in Canton but that was a different society and point in time altogether. In Modern China this isn't happening much or is just discouraged. For example, the Chinese MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong was challenging all types of Wushu masters around China but eventually got shut down by the government since he kept wrecking all of them. Times are different, and yes I know that was because he was specifically putting China's national martial arts treasure to shame, but it's still not being allowed.

Nowadays with all the laws that are common place in every civilized nation, these things are being handled in tournaments or organized matches. The risk of just busting into someone's place of training can easily be met with fines, bad rep/publicity, and/or jail time.
It still happens here. The stories I heard from Sifu Woo who lived in 1930s Canton often involved swords and bloodshed on a level that would never happen today. I only used that as an example.
Not in this country it's not. You mentioned in an earlier post about it being normal in the 1930s in Canton but that was a different society and point in time altogether. In Modern China this isn't happening much or is just discouraged. For example, the Chinese MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong was challenging all types of Wushu masters around China but eventually got shut down by the government since he kept wrecking all of them. Times are different, and yes I know that was because he was specifically putting China's national martial arts treasure to shame, but it's still not being allowed.

Nowadays with all the laws that are common place in every civilized nation, these things are being handled in tournaments or organized matches. The risk of just busting into someone's place of training can easily be met with fines, bad rep/publicity, and/or jail time.
I don’t think Xu Xiaodong qualifies as a respectful dojo buster. Anyone who does this doesn’t give a hoot about their bad rep. To be clear, I don’t have any sympathy for charlatans who get trounced.
What was it to begin with? It starts off by making a statement about a highly charged and often disputed concept, that of taking "offense," to a word that nobody can agree on the definition in the first place. How did we think it was going to go?

Peace favor your sword,
I think these threads tend to go where folks lead them. If you don't see a turn in the thread over the last few pages, that's cool. I do.
I don’t care about Bas Rutten. I barely know who he is. I was asking about you.

You trained under somebody, even if you don’t teach or run a school yourself. Can I badmouth that school and the teacher and the students all over town, if I decide it meets my definition of McDojo? Can I tell everyone that all the students coming out of that school (which would include you) suck?

What if you disagree with my assessment? How do you counter my badmouthing it (if you care at all; maybe you don’t)? Maybe your teacher wants to counter my smear campaign because I am undermining the confidence that his students have in him. But nevertheless, I have decided it is a McDojo and I have made it my mission to tell everybody, even to the point of forcing him to close the school permanently because, you know, McDojos need to be shut down, and I have made the decision that his school is a McDojo.

Do I have a right to do that? Do I have the right to determine what level of quality is acceptable, or how that quality must be measured, or what training methodology is acceptable, or how other people run their schools?
Lol im not surprised

i Gave you a response lol...I’m sorry I’m still laughing at your response.

I just said if a school is legit why would anyone care about your bad mouthing, who are you? Do you think if you bad mouthed...oh Bas Rutten school anyone would care?

lol...if a school is bad you have the right to bad mouth it, that’s life, if I have food at a restaurant and find rats should I not bad mouth it?
Lol im not surprised

i Gave you a response lol...I’m sorry I’m still laughing at your response.

I just said if a school is legit why would anyone care about your bad mouthing, who are you? Do you think if you bad mouthed...oh Bas Rutten school anyone would care?

lol...if a school is bad you have the right to bad mouth it, that’s life, if I have food at a restaurant and find rats should I not bad mouth it?
Finding rats in a restaurant is not the same as deciding that you think a school is teaching poorly, based on your own criteria. A better comparison would be if you simply decided you didn’t like the food, and decided to try and get the restaurant shut down, without any health or safety hazards in the mix. Simply because you didn’t like the meal.

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