I have been waiting for someone to use that silly quote. The difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is what happens after they win. The founding fathers were not terrorists, they created a democracy that has eventually led to the most free country on the planet. There is a peaceful change of power every two years and for the most part the greatest level of equality that you are going to find anywhere. The terrorists want to impose shariah law on the world. This would subjugate women and all non-muslims. It would be a theocracy governed by the muslim religion. They would kill gays and jews, and atheists, and all religions not of the book, hindus, bhudists, wiccans etc. There would be no democracy, there would only be one religion enforced by religous police. Sooo, a terrorist is actually a terrorist, a freedom fighter fights for truth, justice, and the American way, freedom of religion, speech, pretty much the American bill of rights or something similar to it. And yes, the russian government is evil, as is the chinese government. Ask the people suppressed by Putin or the people run over by tanks at Tianeman square.
The terrorists, also, for example, hate the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. Not because they are a democracy, but because they do not live up to shariah themselves. The terrorists do not want to over throw the Saudi government to create a free democracy but to set up their theocratic dictatorship. So that is the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist. And yes, America has done bad things in the past as well, but in no way can be compared to the evils of the socialists in russia or china. The socialists in russia murdered 25 million people or more, and the Chinese count is about what, 70 million people murdered, not including all the babies murdered with their one child policy. So please, do not try to compare freedom loving America with russia and china.