I have very mixed emotions on this. First Bush started an illegal war and lied to the American public about the real threats to America.
Prove it. I've not ever seen such a thing in the law as "Illegal War Starting".
Congress gave Bush the authority, as have many past Congresses before have given past Presidents, to use military force in the absence of a formal declaration of war. Don't crap on this one if you ain't gonna crap on all the others, including those conducted by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, etc.
Prove he lied, rather than was given faulty intelligence. After all, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, many Congressmen (with Intelligence Oversite responsibility) believed that Saddam had WMDs. Lest we not forget in 2009 the Iraqi government declared that they had "two bunkers with filled and unfilled chemical weapons munitions, some precursors, as well as five former chemical weapons production facilities". Lets not forget that the Wikileaks document show that U.S. forces found chemical weapons in Iraq after the invasion.
So despite all the evidence to the contrary, its still "Bush lied, people died."
For all those right wing people that say yeh I support the war and all the other crap well you pay for it and you sign up and go over there not your kids but you go. Lets start a draft of 45 year olds and up why not because they are not going to just march down any hill with out having a pretty good reason? Young people believe they can't be killed thats why they make the best soldiers not just physical advantages.
I'll do that when all those left wing people pay for Medicare, Medicade, unemployment insurance, welfare, public education which my children don't attend, stimulous packages, and ObamaCare.
By the way, I would go, but my wife won't let me. Yeah, I'm :whip1:
But I do my part by protecting their children and other loved ones while they are over there. So don't give me this, "I have to go to Iraq or Afganistan if I support the war" bull.