Bush vs. Kerry at a glance

This is great stuff, really.

Patrick Skerry said:
the American Democratic Party today is composed of members of the defunct American Communist Party, left-wing special interest groups, and liberals with an open socialist agenda for America.

As a liberal with an open socialist agenda for America, I can tell you that the Democratic Party in no way fulfills my desires for a social democracy.

Can you provide examples of members of the US Communist Party taking over the Democratic Party?

Patrick Skerry said:
The majority of conservative 'Tip O'Neil' democrats fled to the republican party over 12 years ago.

...and you can have them.

Patrick Skerry said:
No responsible voter in Massachusetts will vote for homosexual marriage, it is that plain and simple.

Well, I'm extremely responsible and I'm for homosexual marriage, so no, it's not that "plain and simple".

Patrick Skerry said:
The judges broke the law with their court order on homosexual marriages by violating the Seperation of Powers act because they do not have the right to ignore the vote of our lawfully elected representatives in the state house who voted against homosexual marriages.

As with most issues, you are mischaracterizing this one. Ever heard of "checks and balances"? The Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of a gay marriage ban, as is their duty.

If they shouldn't be able to declare laws unconstitutional, what exactly is their role?

And more importantly, what on *earth* does this have to do with the topic of the thread?
Technopunk said:
I still have an Ookie feeling in my stomach about Kerry.

I really really get a strong "Senator Palpatine" feeling whenever I listen to him speak. I cannot put my finger on why that is exactly. I only hope I am wrong when he wins.
Because he looks like Palpatine and Herman Munster's love child?
Patrick Skerry, after reading through the tripe you've posted here, I can without doubt dub thee a Bigot.

You appear to be the sort of loon that will listen to "squawk" radio nut cases like Rush, believe everything they say, and worship the waves they pollute.

You can not add, you have little to no understanding of the language of this nation, your ideas are at best the sort I would expect to find in some backwoods area and it is your sort of uninformed, misinformed and close minded cranial-rectal inversion syndrome that is at the root of the deterioration of this country.

Then again, your behavior is exactly that which I would expect from a crap-stirring troll, which this and a few other boards appear to see you and your multiple personalities as.

It is my hope that this otherwise fine board will "take out the trash" and exile you permanently this time. You bring nothing to the table but inane stupidity.
Feisty Mouse said:
No offense, but for some of the things he's done, I think a highly intelligent chimp could do better.
HEY. Come on now.

I thought Bush WAS a highly intelligent Chimp...

Sapper6 said:
yeah that's interesting. you're right, perhaps the president of the country should have gotten up in the middle of that 2nd grade class and yelled, "everyone run for your lives, the END IS NEAR"...LOL too funny. although i dont really see the need for that seeing over 100 secret service agents were within miles of him, over 50 within 100 yards of him and an entire infantry guard battalion were on orders within several miles of him (per commander in chief travel regs).

at time when you are asking the countries citizens to remain calm in time of certain distress, it's always best to lead by example. im rather entirely certain the chiefs security team felt confident that NOTHING was going to get within 10 miles of the president. just out of curiosity, have you ever been involved in the process...? i doubt serisously you have because you certainly wouldnt have made that comment if you had. in my most honest opinion and pure experience, at a time like that, near the president of the united states of america is the safest place to be.

nice try in aiming to discredit the action of our commander in chief. try again
I am not trying to discredit the actions of the Commander-in-Cheif. You asked us to list some of the things we would do differently, if we wore his shoes for a day.

I did not suggest, were that me in the classroom, that I would scream "everyone run for your lives ... the End is Near" (who is trying to discredit whom, here?) What I might do, and what I might expect my Commander-in-Chief to do is something like:
John Kerry said:
"Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had something that he needed to attend to -- and I would have attended to it,"
How oddly, Presidential that comment seems.


I listed this example because I believe it demonstrates that the President is not able to think extemporaneously. Nobody told him what to do, so he continued to read "My Pet Goat."

Now, perhaps, this example causes your body, logic and language to contort into ways in which insufficient blood reaches your brain cells, so let me try a different example.

We I Commander-in-Chief, and I was asked to sit before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the 911 Commission), I would gladly do so. I would feel free to meet with the Commission to discuss any and all topics about which they were curious. I would allow my comments to be recorded. I would allow notes to be taken in the room. I would meet with them, like every other person they interviewed, alone.

The current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would not meet with the Commission alone, but required that Vice President Cheney appear with him; would not allow the Commission to record the interview; would not allow his interview to be sworn testimony; and tried to restrict the interview time to 60 minutes (this demand was dropped under pressure).


I don't know how "FACTS" can discredit anyone, or anything; with the possible exception of your logic. These items are not my opinions. They are facts, you can source them yourself. Good Grief.

P.S. By the way .... How do you think those 50 Secret Service agents would have behaved against, let's say, an incoming Boeing 757 ?
I, too, find comments about the American Democrats as 'socialists' fairly laughable. This 'left' party, sits about equal with Canada's 'right' party ( Conservative Party of Canada, formerly the Canadian Alliance). And the tories (as they are known around here) are decidedly not socialist.

But I guess that says something about where the spectrum of our two countries sits in comparison.
Patrick Skerry said:
The judges broke the law with their court order on homosexual marriages by violating the Seperation of Powers act because they do not have the right to ignore the vote of our lawfully elected representatives in the state house who voted against homosexual marriages. Judicial activists are ignoring the seperation of powers which exist between the Judicial, executive and legislative branches of government. It is illegal and they should be arrested, but for some reason our politicians are not doing it. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts is in clear violation of the law and they are not being arrested. Not a good thing!
They broke the law no more than the US Supreme court did in determining that Bush should be appointed as president in 2000. Is it not the Supreme courts job to interpret the validity of law, and its constitutionality?