Bush in 30 Seconds

Originally posted by MisterMike
Seems to me it's OK to complain about taxes, state your sexual alignment, be religious, and proud of your nationality -- unless you are a heterosexual white Christian male with a small business.

Then you're a miserly right wing fascist bigot.

But I guess it's OK for one group's rights to be pushed aside while the other group is allowed to "catch up." After all, we're a nation of people not only born equal, but guaranteed to stay that way huh?

You see, it's easy to stay elected if you pander to all the little groups the white people have somehow oppressed since they snuck into the country. This is how Liberals make careers for themselves. Special funds for the minorities to open businesses with, special scoring for the minorities to get into college, kick-backs for having a diverse color at the workplace (as opposed to diverse intelligence backgrounds) and free healthcare, food and lodging on the backs of those who do work.

I know I could do a lot with a book of blank checks drawn on the taxpayers. If that's all it takes to run for office and look good, man, I'm in the wrong field.

Look out! Martyr complex in full blossom. You've studied conservative tactics well. Your mentors would be proud.
Ah, there's that victimhood again. I thought that we were opposed to the culture of victimhood?

But seriously, folks, the notion that "white," (whatever the hell THAT means), middle class Christian businessmen are oppressed....that they don't have a voice....that their demands never get heard....which planet are you on? Have you looked at a) the Congress, b) the State legislatures, c) corporate boards, d) college boards, e) the national news....

As for liberals--and for the eight hundreth time, I ain't one--and the claim that asserting victimhood, "is how Liberals make careers for themselves," did you read my last post? Tell me: how are Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, d'Souza, Gilder, Kimball, et al making a living? What is it exactly that they do and get paid very well for indeed?
Originally posted by qizmoduis
Look out! Martyr complex in full blossom. You've studied conservative tactics well. Your mentors would be proud.

Nothing wrong with a little conservatism. Or a lot.
But seriously, folks, the notion that "white," (whatever the hell THAT means), middle class Christian businessmen are oppressed....that they don't have a voice....that their demands never get heard....which planet are you on? Have you looked at a) the Congress, b) the State legislatures, c) corporate boards, d) college boards, e) the national news....
That's your idea of middle class???????
I consider myself a liberal conservative that does not belong to a political party (read: gang or group of frightened wusses) That translates to liberal with other peoples rights and conservative with their money. So one day at work I decided to have a little fun with Proffesor Jeffrey Hart, the student advisor to the Dartmouth review. (He likes my martinis. Says there as good as his favorite pub at Oxford.) I said, "Proffesor Hart. Some people think your somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun. What do you think about that?" He said, "Thats true. Attila had way too much beaurocracy."

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