michaeledward said:
Technopunk, have you seen 'Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism'?
Nope. My original comments on this thread came as, (I intended them to be anyhow) A question regarding the amount of bashing the conservative side seemed to be taking by the liberal posters. A question, that, unfortunatley, seems to have sidetracked the thread, for which I apologised.
michaeledward said:
Because of your neutrality and independence, I am curious about your take on the special, and how you might describe what the Fox News Channel actually presents during its broadcast.
I have not denied, nor will I, that Fox is Unbiased. I don't watch them... its silly. I also do not watch cr@p like "The Daily show" which, while satirical in nature, has also what IN MY OPINION, passes for liberal bias. If i want to be fed what to think, I'll spend time with my family who urge me to vote bush for no other reason than he's not a 'Crat. Stupid stupid stupid.
michaeledward said:
Some of us have indeed called for taking our case against Fox News to the advertisers. In this instance it could be traced to at least two sources.
First, is in the Movie, itself; there is a call to action to take back control of the airwaves. And while FOX NEWS is a cable station, I think the deliniation between broadcast and cable is sufficiently blurred to demand equal standards of enforcement.
Second, is to allow that conservative idea of the 'marketplace' to make itself known. Certainly, you aren't suggestion that only Bill O'Reilly and the Southern Baptists have the right to organize a boycott (Pepsi & Disney respectively). Now you have posited that organizing such a boycott is the equivilent of telling them to 'Shut Up'. I can not accept these two ideas as synonyms. Using economic and market-driven values to change a point of view are tools that can and should be wielded by concientious citizens looking to protect against injustices.
Hmmm. Hmmm. You have a point there, but... Again, it was my (incorrect) understanding that the people posting on this thread were calling for the Boycott simply to stop Conservatives from speaking out. I dont care who you are... Pepsi, Disney, Al Franken, God, or Allah, that's BS. But, again, those comments came from that fact I misread the comments to be the "Liberal Voice of Martial Talk" wanting the "Conservative Voice of Fox" silenced... not that they were upset that Fox was presenting themselves as "fair and balanced news" when they clearly are not.
michaeledward said:
Keep going ... try to find an equal voice on the left for any of the voices on the right. I have to laugh ... just put Sean Hannity next to Alan Colmes and you get the picture; one has comic book good looks and the other looks like he was brought through a meat grinder.
What, you are trying to say that because liberals are ugly they dont get a fair shake?

(That is, BTW PEOPLE, a Joke. You guys remember what those are right?)
michaeledward said:
And none of that actually answers your question ... which is ... Would I be arguing for silencing a Liberal Point of View as vigorously as the Fox News Conservative point of view. Of course not
Thank you. Honesty is refreshing.
michaeledward said:
To find a mirror of the Fox News Channel, you have to go to Jon Stewart's 'The Daily Show'; which, of course, doesn't pretend to be anything other than commentary (and hopefully humorous commentary at that).
Technopunk ... would you want to see 'Outfoxed'?
I would have no reason not to, unless it was presented with as much BS, Propaganda, and outright deception as say... a Michael Moore film...
Although, if all it's gonna tell me is "AHHHH FOX IS BIASED"... I think I know that, and got the Gist of it here as well, don't you think? I don't neccessarily need someone else to tell me what to think of Fox News.
And actually... although, I cannot say this is true or not anylonger... but the "Daily Show" does (or did) Advertise itself as a "News Program"... although I suppose it could be forgiven since its on the "Comedy Channel"