Bruce Lee!

Originally posted by Judo-kid
I heard bruce lee died from a drug over douce in hong kong.

I heard about it from a really old penthouse magizen artical, some one told me about it.

I dont know if it is true? anythoughts/

I suggest you read Unsettled Matters: The Life & Death of Bruce Lee by Tom Bleecker. It details many of the theories regaurding his death and is an excelent book overall.
I also heard he was super paranod towards the end.
And he was having alot of whores come to his room.
Not to mention he was well armed.
Its hard to tell what is the truth.
The press tells people what they want to hear and what they can't hind.

The other stuff is questionable.
Wether to believe or not to believe that is the question.

For those who believe no explanation is neccary.
and for those who don't believe no explanation is possible.
Originally posted by ace
It was Bruce who said Jeet Kune Do
is Simply to simplify,favor formlessness
to asume all forms.
He said on the Long Street show
i don't belive in styels cause when it comes to fighting
Baby U better train your Whole Body.

I trained with Tom Macaluso Who is certified by Dan Inosanto
for about a year & a Half We trained JKD,Kali & Mauy Thai


You're right, but before that he was running around talking about his new martial art he created.

To achieve certification from Dan Inosanto, I beleive he does teach them Jun Fan.

What you are talking about is the "final destination."

To get there you have to get on the boat and cross the river before you can abandon the boat.

Heres where I was trained:
From everything that I read he died because an allergic reaction caused his Brain to swell up. He supposedly was with a woman who he saw regularly that was not his wife when he was he took the asprin pain killer. I am not sure if they ever did a tox. scan to see what he took, but I guess it was supposed to be an over the counter pain killer.
Its all a lie, the truth is BRUCE WAS MURDERED, but different as they say, he was murdered by a 12 yrs old kid with a knife that tried to rob him, since he was claimed as a supreme fighter, his sponsor decided to dont put it on news, so they covered it with something about illness.
Thats the truth, believe or not.
Anyone know where to get a video of Bruce when he was demonstrating at the Long Beach MA Internationals?
Originally posted by Infight
Its all a lie, the truth is BRUCE WAS MURDERED, but different as they say, he was murdered by a 12 yrs old kid with a knife that tried to rob him, since he was claimed as a supreme fighter, his sponsor decided to dont put it on news, so they covered it with something about illness.
Thats the truth, believe or not.
No I don't belive it.

And Were did the Info come from??
Originally posted by Infight
Its all a lie, the truth is BRUCE WAS MURDERED, but different as they say, he was murdered by a 12 yrs old kid with a knife that tried to rob him, since he was claimed as a supreme fighter, his sponsor decided to dont put it on news, so they covered it with something about illness.
Thats the truth, believe or not.

When someone is dead there is always going to be rumors about who whooped him and how he died and who he bowed down to.

Dosen't change the facts. They are still just rumors.
Thats what i said, believe it of not, im just telling you the truth.
Originally posted by baronv
Anyone know where to get a video of Bruce when he was demonstrating at the Long Beach MA Internationals?

As that was before th time where cameras were common it would be hard to find. I have never seen such a video for sale. I'm sure at least some of the many documentaries have some footage of it. Or you could belive the riculous scence from "Dragon."

Anyway if you search on a file sharing network you should be able to find a grainy little clip of Bruce Lee demonstrating his one inch punch at the internationals.
Anyone know where to get a video of Bruce when he was demonstrating at the Long Beach MA Internationals?

Actually, I think someone is distributing a copy of that on ebay. I've never really paid attention, but it often shows up under a kenpo search. I think the title is "long beach internationals" or somesuch. Good luck.
