Bruce Lee!

Ace: how old are you and how long you been training and how does your friend know you can fight well? I'm just a curious george.

RyuShikan: Why does it say account suspended under your name? once again just curious.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
27, on & off My whole life since 4 or 5.
Seriously for the last 5 years of hard traning in a couple styles

Jdenz is a training partner of mine
He helped me train for my 1st
MMA fight for Combat Zone.

Which i won with an In side heel hook.

And i don't know why something is
It's an MMA event on the low
end of the totoem pole.
It's held in a Ring.

They also ofer Submisson Matches
& KickBoxing.

They are coming up for the 4th or 5th Event.
Ah that's kool, I'm sure everyone starts out at small events. Are you considering trying to go far with your MMA career? And is combat zone in Buffalo?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Combat Zone is a Flowter
I fought in Grecce N.Y.

And yes MMA is what i want to do
I train 6 days a week.

When im not training im on Martial Talk.

I like to mix up my Training
But most of it is on Submissons & Wrestling.

I am also Into Modern Arnis & Bondo
Wepons are cool They are good to know about.

I do weight traning
& lots of Cardio.

I also plan on Doin some folk Wresteling
Turnaments As well as Naga & Joslyn's.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Account Suspended

that is the guy with the suspended account don't know what that means. Primo is a tough dude.
I just turned 25
I have won NAGA no gi, seconded in the gi, USJJF open state champion, USJJF green belt and under national champion, UJjjf grappling only champ, 2 time national qualifier in NJCAA, and our team was ranked 13th in the nation my first year starting
As always i've done some reserch.

These guy's started cross
training to gether in the late 40's

They finalised the formation of ther Art in the 60's.

How Ever from all the pic's I have seen
Not 1 was in Shorts, Gloves & shoes.

In fact they were all in Black Gi's & no shoes.
I saw not one Submisson Lock?

Not to say that they don't have them.
But in the 3 sires a checked out there were
None shown.

Blind Side
Rent Enter the Dragon Take a look
At the out fit's Bruce Lee & Samo Hung are wearing.

It is the 1st seen in the movie.
Short's,Gloves & shoes

Most MMA fighters fight in Shorts & Gloves!

Shoes have both good & bad to them
U have better traction for
take downs & balance on the feet .

They are better Submisson Guy's to Use to lockout
The ADCC Canada trials are over.

Submitted by: Mike McNeil
Posted On 09/10/2002


PIC: TEAM CANADA - Ready for San Diego!

The TEAM CANADA pre-Qualifiers for the ADCC's Submission Wrestling World Championships. The 5 men will represent TEAM CANADA at te upcoming North American Trials, Scheduled for October 5th in San Dirgo, California. Congratulations to these 5 men - and much more to come here at ADCC!

Weight Class:

65 KG (144.9 lbs.) and Under: Winner Shawn Krysa from Georgetown Ontario, out of Soares/Boreland. Wins in the finals via Points

Runner Up: Matt Leo from Cobourg Ontario, out of KARMA martial arts.

66 KG (145 lbs.) to 76 KG (168.9 lbs.): Winner Mark Bocek from Woodbridge Ontario. Out of Nova Uniao. Wins in the finals via arm-bar.

Runner Up: Dan Elmy from Mississauga Ontario, out of Combat Arts.

77 KG (169 lbs.) to 87 KG (193.9 lbs): Winner Dennis Kang from Burnaby B.C. Out of Marcus Soares. Wins in the finals via -1 - 0 points.

Runner Up: Jeff Joslin from Hamilton On. Out of Joslins/Alliance.

88 KG (194lbs.) to 98 KG (214.9 lbs):: Winner Terry Dellino from Laval Quebec. From Gelinas Martial Arts/Nova Uniao. Wins in the finals via 9-0 score.

Runner Up: Fabian Verrazza from Mississauga Ontario from Premier martial Arts.

99 KG (215 lbs.) and over: Winner Karim Byron from Ottawa Ontario. Out of Carver/Soares. Wins in the finals via rear-naked choke.

Runner Up: Matt Simmons from Woodstock Ontario, out of London Jiu-Jitsu

The qualifiers were way to far for me to go on my budget to try and win the American qualifiers. Besides there is no way I am close to there level. If it was closer I would have entered.
"Winner Karim Byron from Ottawa Ontario. Out of Carver/Soares. Wins in the finals via rear-naked choke"

That's why I asked you, he's a friend of mine and we both train at Carver's. I was really happy for him.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by ace
Bruce Lee was the 1st Mixed Martial Artist.

Certainly he mixed several martial arts, though he had a strong Wing Chun base.

What do U guy's think Was Bruce the 1st

People having been mixing two or more arts and coming up with a third for ages. Look at Judo--it's mixed from, what, 14 different arts? Isshin-ryu had components of Goju, Shorin, and even Aikido.

Mixing arts is an age-old tradition!
It might be better to say that Bruce Lee was repsonsible for the idea of mixing arts for yourself and not forming some new sytem out of them.
Wing chun had a lot of locking, although in his book, he draws a lot of submission moves, locks, and traps from jujitsu and throws from judo.

He is not the first mixed martial artist, he is the one for making it popular, but not the first.
Just my humble opinion.

Bruce was very,very famous,it seems unlikely to me that he would have been the first to...
As previously said,many traditional arts come from each other.
And many traditional arts,as an add,shine in "all areas of combat",including weapons etc. not seen in MMA (of course they are old but...)