Ancient Greek Pankration and the OLD Jujitsu are two RECORDED examples. Necessity in olden times dictated that striking AND grappling be known for warfare survival, when devoid of an additional weapon. Technologys existance has caused a disservice of sorts that most people don't consider. Many of the recorded firsts are really only the FIRST recorded due to technology being around at the time of their existance. Predecessors of comparable quality preceded the techological distribution era and did not receive proper recognition in many cases, I would wager. "The victors of war are the authors of history", I believe it was said. What if the records describing Greek Pankration were kept secretive or destroyed? How many other systems and groups came and went throughout history that were as noteable as Pankration, Jujitsu and JKD that were not recorded or disclosed to the populace? We will never know. Jim Arvanitis was doing Modern Pankration in the late 1960s. If he were in Hollywood then, and Bruce Lee were on the East coast never seeking an acting career, would Arvanitis be considered the Grandfather of MMA instead? The wheel is reinvented time and again. Was Bruce Lee a great Martial Artist in my opinion? Yes. Was he the first to recombine elements that periodically have seperated throughout history? Most likely not. He was a genious that understood and developed an idea, on his own, that had already been done prior w/o his knowledge. No one has a patent on truth.
Another thought to ponder: If Bruce Lee was a quadrapelegic before developing JKD, would JKD exist? His physical capabilities/genetics were very good marketing tools. Would he have been able to convince anyone to any substantial extent, as to the value of his ideas w/o moving? How would he have gained such an audience?
white belt