Here is a classic example of video and audio working in favor of officers. This is a recent case of a town councilwoman, who was arrested for DUI. The tape will show her actions, as well as threats made, with her stating that she approves the officers salary. Not long ago, a Superior Court Judge was arrested and acted in similar fashion.
Cases like this, show the importance of taping and recording interviews, and booking of suspects. Don't know if every PD has audio in their booking areas, but I'm sure many if not all of them have video. I'm sure, had this incident not been taped, the councilwoman would not have made such a quick apology for her 'actions.'
GLASTONBURY — - A town councilwoman arrested earlier this month on a DUI charge warned police as they were booking her that she was a member of the town council and that she "approves their salaries."
Surveillance video obtained from the police department shows Barbara C. Wagner, 59, of 11 Lake Shore Trail, visibly upset and frustrated as she is being interviewed in the police station after her arrest on June 2.
Cases like this, show the importance of taping and recording interviews, and booking of suspects. Don't know if every PD has audio in their booking areas, but I'm sure many if not all of them have video. I'm sure, had this incident not been taped, the councilwoman would not have made such a quick apology for her 'actions.'