Full Nelson WWE wrestler caught on tape in parking lot scuffle

Listen its a dangerous and stupid suggestion. Its Naive, and dependent on others doing the right thing, when they have already started not doing the right thing, BTW a temptation of being in a vehicle, when people are mobbing it is to start it up and run people over, what do you think would have happened then?
Listen, I do not need to ask someone who has tasted a turd what it tastes like to know I do not want to try it. The same follows here.
I am perfectly in my rights of free speech, to express myself in the most direct and honest way I know how. I suggest instead of trying to be politically correct you might try the same.

There are ways to tell someone that you disagree with their ideas. There are ways to tell someone that you disagree with their ideas without belittling them or calling them names. I for one do not mind being told that I'm wrong or that it's in someone's opinion that I have a stupid idea... I DO mind being called a moron and I'm sure others here feel the same way.
If I'm to be told that I'm wrong then I will want to know why.
You certainly are within your rights to free speech here as long as it's respectful and does not trample upon the personal dignity of someone else's intelligence.
The only time that you would be way out of order would be to express; racist, sexist, or any other bigoted commentary along with your statements. Calling others "morons" is a slight upon the intelligence of this (on line) community.

Regarding the act of getting in the relative safety of one's vehicle, particularly in face of being heavily outnumbered and an angry mob at that which is what that actor was faced with, I'll add to your own ideas that he may be tempted to start the car up and run someone over.
If the actor had done that then he'd be certainly guilty of assault with a deadly weapon but if he himself isn't prone to uncontrolled acts of violence, i.e. turning on the car and running people over as you say... then he would know to simply sit in the car, get on the phone to the police and request for help. Any damaged wrought upon the car can be charged to the folks via credible witnesses and likely the video.
I don't become dependent upon others to do the right thing when it comes down to me. I'll take care of myself first and foremost and if that means getting to a place of safety, then by all means I will. If others DO the right thing by me (helping, protecting, defending me when I'm heavily outnumbered) then praise to them for being decent human beings. Just don't get in my way if I need to take matters in my own hands. If I'm seeking an avenue of escape, again get out of my way or provide legitimate assistance.
Somehow I dont think that attacking a mob is a great option either. You can start up your car and start rolling slowly. People will move out of the way.

He wasnt "defending himself against a mob". He was pissed off at one woman. A 250lb wrestler who makes his money being an intimidating bad guy (and making money off of getting people to believe it) vs. a woman who believes the hype? I fall in against the wrestler.

There's other factors involved too. She spit in his face and apparently her boyfriend grabbed him. These two spent the night at the show berrating wrestlers at ringside and they were clearly convinced that they were watching the real deal and not just entertainment.
"-- According to several sources, Chris Jericho will not be punished by WWE officials over his scuffle with fans this past Saturday. Officials feel he was put in a situation in which he was forced to defend himself, so he's clear of any wrongdoing."

Videos I saw, CJ's in the clear and the redneck fans are to blame. Security too.
Wow. That sounds like something that I would have posted. I see there is someone here with the same views I do. Thats a refreshing change.

Not refreshing, quite a few of us think the same thing.

Wrestling is scripted grant you that, they are good stunt people also, good thing it wasn't the big show, that would have been interesting LOL.
Listen its a dangerous and stupid suggestion. Its Naive, and dependant on others doing the right thing, when they have already started not doing the right thing, BTW a temptation of being in a vehicle, when people are mobbing it is to start it up and run people over, what do you think would have happened then?
Listen, I do not need to ask someone who has tasted a turd what it tastes like to know I do not want to try it. The same follows here.
I am perfectly in my rights of free speech, to express myself in the most direct and honest way I know how. I suggest instead of trying to be politically correct you might try the same.

To expand on what Kreth has said..I suggest you look at the following, specifically these:

1.3 "Freedom of Speech":

MartialTalk is dedicated towards allowing as much freedom in our member’s communications as we can. However, while we believe very much in the idea of freedom of speech & personal expression, you DO NOT have the absolute right to say whatever you want in this community.

Anything that goes against our core beliefs and the purpose for which this community was designed may not be allowed.

Posts and comments that are meant to incite conflicts between members or outside parties are strictly prohibited.

MartialTalk Staff have the absolute right to view, edit, modify, close or delete any content found in this community. This may include amongst other things the Private Message, Email, Blog and Other communications systems on this site in situations where we have concerns about the conduct of one or more of our members.

I trust that this will be a closed matter. As I've said in threads in The Study, which tend to get very heated, due to the nature of the topics...if you can't post without saying anything rude or being disrespectful to someone, then perhaps posting is not for you.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin.
It was a tense and idiotic situation.....but I don't think these two clowns should be rewarded by Jericho being charged with assault. They bought this situation, and he certainly may have had better choices to make, but he didn't create the situation, they did. The best answer is to ban these two from further promotion events (which i'm sure they already have been) and drop the rest of it.
It was a tense and idiotic situation.....but I don't think these two clowns should be rewarded by Jericho being charged with assault. They bought this situation, and he certainly may have had better choices to make, but he didn't create the situation, they did. The best answer is to ban these two from further promotion events (which i'm sure they already have been) and drop the rest of it.

Thats probably the best solution.
Doesn't look to me like anything too heinous happened here. A little pushing and shoving on both sides, nobody seems to badly hurt and everyone goes home.

I'm not going to justify the behavior of the wrestler or the fans. Maybe he should have better security next time. But I will say this. I wouldn't punch someone for spitting on me. That's not self defense, that's saving face. I'd be disgusted with their behavior, I'd certainly think less of them, but I wouldn't resort to overwhelming physical violence as a response.

It's true, spitting on someone is legally assault. So call the cops and file a complaint. You're life isn't in any danger. It isn't the legal ramifications of escalating the situation which concern me. I'm interested in self defense. Punching someone just because they spit on you doesn't make you safer. It makes you less safe. Now, if spitting on me was a precursor to more violence, different story.

But in this case it was one frustrated fan who couldn't get a picture with her hero. So she acted like an idiot. Judge her, wipe off your face, and move on.

Well I think that "assault" is a bit over reaching (maybe in some states it is). Most jurisdictions I know would call it a harassment or a simple battery. Here it would be a violation level offense, nothing that would justify an assault in reply.
Doesn't look to me like anything too heinous happened here. A little pushing and shoving on both sides, nobody seems to badly hurt and everyone goes home.

I'm not going to justify the behavior of the wrestler or the fans. Maybe he should have better security next time. But I will say this. I wouldn't punch someone for spitting on me. That's not self defense, that's saving face. I'd be disgusted with their behavior, I'd certainly think less of them, but I wouldn't resort to overwhelming physical violence as a response.

It's true, spitting on someone is legally assault. So call the cops and file a complaint. You're life isn't in any danger. It isn't the legal ramifications of escalating the situation which concern me. I'm interested in self defense. Punching someone just because they spit on you doesn't make you safer. It makes you less safe. Now, if spitting on me was a precursor to more violence, different story.

But in this case it was one frustrated fan who couldn't get a picture with her hero. So she acted like an idiot. Judge her, wipe off your face, and move on.


How do you know they are not one of those crazy people who want to hurt others at any cost.. Like an Aids infected bitter person wanting to infect others, by biting the inside of their cheeks and spitting aids infected blood at you? Sure its a big reach, but if you are not considering the worst possible scenario when someone is attacking you, then you leave yourself open to alot of possibilities at the whim of the person attacking you. I consider that a poor choice for self defense.
How do you know they are not one of those crazy people who want to hurt others at any cost.. Like an Aids infected bitter person wanting to infect others, by biting the inside of their cheeks and spitting aids infected blood at you? Sure its a big reach, but if you are not considering the worst possible scenario when someone is attacking you, then you leave yourself open to alot of possibilities at the whim of the person attacking you. I consider that a poor choice for self defense.

Your argument is ridiculous.

Please explain to me how punching someone after they've spit aids infected blood on my face is a good self defense decision.

It doesn't prevent the aids infected blood from being spit in my face. It doesn't protect me from infection. All it does is increase the possibility that more of their aids infected blood will get spilt, raising the chance that I'm infected, not lowering it.

It would be far better for me to exit this situation as quickly as possible so as to avoid being exposed to more aids infected blood, rather than sticking around and busting heads.

Punching someone in the face for spitting on me, because maybe they bit the inside of their cheek to spread their aids infected blood because they're a bitter person, has nothing to do with self defense. It's a silly argument with no basis in reality.

I agree, you should assume the worst, and you shouldn't leave yourself at the mercy of your opponent, but your argument doesn't have anything to do with that.

It's pure fantasy, born of an immature mind. It doesn't deal with any real self defense situation. Real self defense is about survival, not imaginary threats.

I'm no more concerned with the possibility of a "bitter person wanting to infect others, by biting the inside of their cheeks and spitting aids infected blood" at me than I am with defenses against unicorns and hobgoblins. I try to deal with real threats that I may actually face.

When discussing self defense, you may want to keep that in mind.

Anyway..the blood from punching someone is like..astronomically higher an AIDS risk than what would be found in saliva.
Listen its a dangerous and stupid suggestion. Its Naive, and dependant on others doing the right thing, when they have already started not doing the right thing, BTW a temptation of being in a vehicle, when people are mobbing it is to start it up and run people over, what do you think would have happened then?
Listen, I do not need to ask someone who has tasted a turd what it tastes like to know I do not want to try it. The same follows here.
I am perfectly in my rights of free speech, to express myself in the most direct and honest way I know how. I suggest instead of trying to be politically correct you might try the same.

Okay, you're an *******. You're right, that was better than being politically correct.
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Your argument is ridiculous.

Please explain to me how punching someone after they've spit aids infected blood on my face is a good self defense decision.

It doesn't prevent the aids infected blood from being spit in my face. It doesn't protect me from infection. All it does is increase the possibility that more of their aids infected blood will get spilt, raising the chance that I'm infected, not lowering it.

It would be far better for me to exit this situation as quickly as possible so as to avoid being exposed to more aids infected blood, rather than sticking around and busting heads.

Punching someone in the face for spitting on me, because maybe they bit the inside of their cheek to spread their aids infected blood because they're a bitter person, has nothing to do with self defense. It's a silly argument with no basis in reality.

I agree, you should assume the worst, and you shouldn't leave yourself at the mercy of your opponent, but your argument doesn't have anything to do with that.

It's pure fantasy, born of an immature mind. It doesn't deal with any real self defense situation. Real self defense is about survival, not imaginary threats.

I'm no more concerned with the possibility of a "bitter person wanting to infect others, by biting the inside of their cheeks and spitting aids infected blood" at me than I am with defenses against unicorns and hobgoblins. I try to deal with real threats that I may actually face.

When discussing self defense, you may want to keep that in mind.


Lets get something straight right now, before we go further.. I do not disagree that the best case scenario would be to have avoided the situation all together, like having the car in an secured area free from fans, or the "Mob" I also agree that if he would have been able to get away that would have been fine, however I view his situation as unable to retreat. He was surrounded, and it was escalating. If you disagree with me there, then our disagreement is at an end there, and we will have to just disagree on that, because everything else I have stated and state now is dependant on the fact that he was unable to leave, and unable to avoid the escalation. Which is what I saw in the video...That said..
I have to say "Wow" Are you saying that anytime a self defense situation comes up it involves blood for you?
If it does you don't control the blood flow? That is a pretty poor way to defend yourself if so.
I have never anywhere said to bleed anyone, draw blood, or any such thing. Thats a big leap you make in your assumptions, and if a person has to hit someone in the face as theri sole means to defend themselves, then they probably have a pretty poor idea of what self defense is. I get control of a situation when I am involved, I control blood flow in an opponent if there is any, and avoid blood flow at all costs. There is no immature mind here, if anything you are taking a naive approach to your thought process. Your arguments thus far seem to think the bigger guy has all the advantages, and a smaller opponent has nothing dangerous to offer. I would be willing to bet you have ZERO experience with any situation like this. I would also be willing to bet you are basing all your comments off of your own imagination, and possibly other peoples second hand accounts. I look at what you write in your post and have to chuckle and think to myself here is a really intelligent guy who just does not get the reality of the situation. Do you want to talk about fantasy? I would say fantasy is making a comment about a situation you have never been involved with and thinking it is correct. Before you ask, yes i have been involved in many situations similar to this. I have seen what happens first hand when a person goes into a vehicle for cover when a "mob" of people are harassing them.
I have to say all the people raising a stink about my previous comments really don't phase me in any way. I already made a statement in regards to a poor choice on my part in terms used and will leave it at that, and I am not here to make friends. I know quite a bit about violence. I know quite a bit about strategy, and martial arts. I will make a comment about things that seem ridiculous to me, and I will state why. I will invite any comments against my own thoughts and theories and opinions, and I always keep an open mind when it comes to better ideas.
I simply have a certain way of looking at things. I expect the worst from people when it comes to a self defense situation. I have a wife and kids, and responsiblities to come home to. I leave no room for error. I assume the worst of everyone, and that way any surprises will come out in a favorable way for me. If a person chooses to live in an environment that gives them no contact to the worst people have to offer, then they will never understand what I talk about. I have seen violence on many levels, I have seen people die violently. I do not care if you dislike me due to my opinions, they work, they will keep you alive, and they are not based on fiction.
Anyway..the blood from punching someone is like..astronomically higher an AIDS risk than what would be found in saliva.

I agree, I however did not say saliva. But yes you are correct, I would be an idiot to argue that point.
Lets get something straight right now, before we go further.. I do not disagree that the best case scenario would be to have avoided the situation all together, like having the car in an secured area free from fans, or the "Mob" I also agree that if he would have been able to get away that would have been fine, however I view his situation as unable to retreat. He was surrounded, and it was escalating. If you disagree with me there, then our disagreement is at an end there, and we will have to just disagree on that, because everything else I have stated and state now is dependant on the fact that he was unable to leave, and unable to avoid the escalation. Which is what I saw in the video...That said..
I have to say "Wow" Are you saying that anytime a self defense situation comes up it involves blood for you?
If it does you don't control the blood flow? That is a pretty poor way to defend yourself if so.
I have never anywhere said to bleed anyone, draw blood, or any such thing. Thats a big leap you make in your assumptions, and if a person has to hit someone in the face as theri sole means to defend themselves, then they probably have a pretty poor idea of what self defense is. I get control of a situation when I am involved, I control blood flow in an opponent if there is any, and avoid blood flow at all costs. There is no immature mind here, if anything you are taking a naive approach to your thought process. Your arguments thus far seem to think the bigger guy has all the advantages, and a smaller opponent has nothing dangerous to offer. I would be willing to bet you have ZERO experience with any situation like this. I would also be willing to bet you are basing all your comments off of your own imagination, and possibly other peoples second hand accounts. I look at what you write in your post and have to chuckle and think to myself here is a really intelligent guy who just does not get the reality of the situation. Do you want to talk about fantasy? I would say fantasy is making a comment about a situation you have never been involved with and thinking it is correct. Before you ask, yes i have been involved in many situations similar to this. I have seen what happens first hand when a person goes into a vehicle for cover when a "mob" of people are harassing them.
I have to say all the people raising a stink about my previous comments really don't phase me in any way. I already made a statement in regards to a poor choice on my part in terms used and will leave it at that, and I am not here to make friends. I know quite a bit about violence. I know quite a bit about strategy, and martial arts. I will make a comment about things that seem ridiculous to me, and I will state why. I will invite any comments against my own thoughts and theories and opinions, and I always keep an open mind when it comes to better ideas.
I simply have a certain way of looking at things. I expect the worst from people when it comes to a self defense situation. I have a wife and kids, and responsiblities to come home to. I leave no room for error. I assume the worst of everyone, and that way any surprises will come out in a favorable way for me. If a person chooses to live in an environment that gives them no contact to the worst people have to offer, then they will never understand what I talk about. I have seen violence on many levels, I have seen people die violently. I do not care if you dislike me due to my opinions, they work, they will keep you alive, and they are not based on fiction.

Ok. I see you have all the answers. Clearly discussing this with such a learned and experienced person as yourself is not the most appropriate use of my time. I'm glad you "leave no room for error." I hope someday my skill level will approach such perfection. I guess you've really shown me how hitting someone who spits aids infected blood on you will "keep me alive." Perhaps someday I can learn how to make sure that "any suprises will come out in a favorable way for me" when in a self defense situation.

I guess you're right about one other thing too.

I will "never understand what you're talking about."

or you could that route... no skin off my back. Good luck to you.

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