Full Nelson WWE wrestler caught on tape in parking lot scuffle

Then why are you here then if not to make friends or engage in a friendly conversation?

I actually went to kenpotalk forum for kenpo information, thoughts, ideas, etc. I happened on this site through there and browse it every once in a while. I find it interesting. However I have never had the intent of visiting any forums to make friends... I have met a few people through some of the forums, but it was not my intent. I visit forums first and foremost to get information I am lacking in, or finding something I am interested in that I never knew about. I post on subjects that I feel I have either a vested interest in, a substantial amount of experience and or knowlege about, or am just compelled to comment on because its either funny, outrageous, ridiculous, or something similar. I enjoy friendly conversation, but life would be so boring if everyone agreed with me on everything. I never mind a difference of opinion as long as its based on facts. I find it annoying when someone disagrees based on some warped version of reality and refuse to see something for what it really is, and just disagree on principles. Anyways that said, my goal is not to come in and start a fight. I also however have no interest in sugarcoating anything to make sure that noone gets "upset" at my comments. People can make whatever assumptions they want out of my comments, I only try to make direct and to the point comments that have no hidden agenda, and no secret meaning in them.
Thanks for explaining it helps see where you are coming from even if it is a more disgruntle approach.

Everyone has an opinion and it is shaped by our experiences (or lack of)and the knowledge of information processed by our minds in what we would do in a situation.
Anyway these forums at times can be difficult to express thoughts and reading words can sometimes be hard to decipher. Anyway cheers,
Look, the security at these events is NOT WWE employees. They are hired by the arena. Some of my friends worked some of the shows at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky when the WWE came to my town. Obviously the security at this event was not doing thier job in keeping the crowd away. Chris Jericho did what he thought was appropriate at the time. Maybe he regrets it now, maybe he doesn't. I probably would have been even more outraged than him. I don't blame the man for hitting the person. Someone spits in my face thier going to get an *** whooping. Or at least I'll try to give them one. Chris probably had no idea what the others intentions were and wanted to make a statement by hitting the one as if to say this is what is going to happen to you if you do something like that or assualt me.
Admin Note


Apparently my note was missed on the other page, so I'm taking this time to post one final warning. Keep the thread polite and respectful. If you can't post without calling someone rude names, then don't post. I suggest everyone take the time to read up on the forum rules.

Any further disregard for the forum rules will result in the thread closed and possible suspension of accounts.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
Lets get something straight right now, before we go further.. I do not disagree that the best case scenario would be to have avoided the situation all together, like having the car in an secured area free from fans, or the "Mob" I also agree that if he would have been able to get away that would have been fine, however I view his situation as unable to retreat. He was surrounded, and it was escalating. If you disagree with me there, then our disagreement is at an end there, and we will have to just disagree on that, because everything else I have stated and state now is dependant on the fact that he was unable to leave, and unable to avoid the escalation. Which is what I saw in the video...That said..

I think it's best to take this entire post in sections. I have no problem with this statement. Even if people disagree about the level of danger in this situation, we can all pretend there was no option to leave for analysis.

I have to say "Wow" Are you saying that anytime a self defense situation comes up it involves blood for you?
If it does you don't control the blood flow? That is a pretty poor way to defend yourself if so.

In return, I must say "wow" are you actually claiming that in any self-defense situation YOU dictate everything to the point you control 'blood flow'? That statement shows ignorance on your part of true, violent self-defense situations. You don't get to decide the manner in which you defend yourself. Sometimes, situations don't dictate an extreme violent response to where you can grapple with the person or use strikes to parts of the body that will not draw blood. Other times, you are going to get bloody with your own blood and the blood of your attacker. What decides that is how committed your attacker is in inflicting violence, or death, on you. I'm still not even sure exactly what you mean by controlling the blood flow. Either you mean as the defender you don't use strikes that draw blood, or you mean you have some mystical power that lets you redirect blood spatter through the air around your body. Although I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you meant my first guess, the arrogance of your post makes me think you might be deluded into thinking you have this ability.

I have never anywhere said to bleed anyone, draw blood, or any such thing. Thats a big leap you make in your assumptions, and if a person has to hit someone in the face as theri sole means to defend themselves, then they probably have a pretty poor idea of what self defense is. I get control of a situation when I am involved, I control blood flow in an opponent if there is any, and avoid blood flow at all costs.

No, you didn't say that, but you did say this:

How do you know they are not one of those crazy people who want to hurt others at any cost.. Like an Aids infected bitter person wanting to infect others, by biting the inside of their cheeks and spitting aids infected blood at you? Sure its a big reach, but if you are not considering the worst possible scenario when someone is attacking you, then you leave yourself open to alot of possibilities at the whim of the person attacking you. I consider that a poor choice for self defense.

You are the one who brought this AIDS spit business into this thread. What you failed to understand about Thesemindz post was that after you have already been spit on, under your example of someone having AIDS, that the best defense would be to leave. He made the example of punching to show that it would be worst to engage this person in combat. Walking away is the best defense at that point. You haven't given any of us a specific example of what would be better than that. You think you are controlling 'blood flow' by somehow physically engaging this person but not striking them somewhere they would bleed? Well what happens when you try to manhandle them and they start biting you? You are the one who said to consider the worst possible scenario, but I have a feeling your consideration of that only extends as far as it supports your ideals, and not reality. You also said this earlier:

I would not have faulted him for defending himself by grabbing a tire iron and start waylaying the crowd.

Apparently instead of punching someone in the face we are to use the self-defense technique of tire iron to the crowd. Yes grasshopper, that is truly the way to control the 'blood flow'.

There is no immature mind here

Please review the following statements from this thread:

You people advocating that he should have gotten into the car and waited it out are morons.

I would not have faulted him for defending himself by grabbing a tire iron and start waylaying the crowd.

Listen its a dangerous and stupid suggestion.

Also 250 pounds? LOL you have obviously not met the guy... they say hes 220ish... I say hes 195 at best.

Listen, I do not need to ask someone who has tasted a turd what it tastes like to know I do not want to try it.

If you're wondering why I included the 195 at best comment it's because you clearly made that up just to support your position. I am 5'8" and have weighed 190 before and I wasn't even close to being as big as Chris Jericho. There is no reason to believe that several different webpages based on a google search would list his weight anywhere from 225 to 231 instead of 195 because they don't want people to think he weighs more. He's not a woman, he's a pro wrestler, him weighing more is an asset. Only someone immature would just pull those kinds of comments out of their rear to support their point.

if anything you are taking a naive approach to your thought process. Your arguments thus far seem to think the bigger guy has all the advantages, and a smaller opponent has nothing dangerous to offer.

Nothing Thesemindz has said reflects this attitude. You are trying to put words in his mouth so you can look good by countering a point that was not his in the first place. Nice try.

would be willing to bet you have ZERO experience with any situation like this.

Please add this to the immature comments section above.

I would also be willing to bet you are basing all your comments off of your own imagination, and possibly other peoples second hand accounts.

Much like you have with all of your posts in this thread?

I look at what you write in your post and have to chuckle and think to myself here is a really intelligent guy who just does not get the reality of the situation.

No sir, you do not get the reality of the situation. Of course, first we must define the situation. Is this the situation that actually occurred per the video, or would this be the situation from your imagination where AIDS infected blood is spit on the defender? If it is the former, things could have ended by Chris Jericho not being whiny and taking the picture in the first place, such is the pain of being famous, but that's the life he chose. If it is the latter, I defy you to offer a more rational approach than wiping the AIDS infected spit off your face and leaving. If it's just spit you will not get AIDS. If there is blood in it and the spit it an open wound, I suppose an addition to this rational approach would be a trip to the doctor.

Do you want to talk about fantasy? I would say fantasy is making a comment about a situation you have never been involved with and thinking it is correct.

So pretty much every post you've made starting with the tire iron?

Before you ask, yes i have been involved in many situations similar to this.

No one was going to. Watching the movie Hannibal and playing too many video games does not count as being involved in many situations similar to this.

I have seen what happens first hand when a person goes into a vehicle for cover when a "mob" of people are harassing them.

I'm glad you have access to youtube too.

I have to say all the people raising a stink about my previous comments really don't phase me in any way. I already made a statement in regards to a poor choice on my part in terms used and will leave it at that, and I am not here to make friends.

That's apparent.

I know quite a bit about violence. I know quite a bit about strategy, and martial arts.

You may know quite a bit about violence. But that statement is vague. It doesn't let any of us know how that makes you more qualified to present us your fantasy of AIDS infected blood being spat on people. I guess if swinging a tire-iron into a mob counts as strategy, yes. And even I would agree in certain cases that would be a good defense.

I will make a comment about things that seem ridiculous to me, and I will state why.

Yes, we can see that. However, I find it laughable that you don't find your tire-iron comment or AIDS infected blood comments ridiculous in terms of this thread.

I will invite any comments against my own thoughts and theories and opinions, and I always keep an open mind when it comes to better ideas.

From your responses to this thread it's apparent that you don't keep an open mind to better ideas. You insult people and are dramatic in trying to prove your points.

I simply have a certain way of looking at things.

No disagreement here.

I expect the worst from people when it comes to a self defense situation.

As you should.

I have a wife and kids, and responsiblities to come home to. I leave no room for error. I assume the worst of everyone, and that way any surprises will come out in a favorable way for me.

That's an arrogant attitude. Just because you presume the worst of everyone does not mean you won't be taken by surprise and that any surprise will come out in a favorable way for you. Further, if you have presumed the worst then an attack wouldn't be a surprise to you anyway, it would be expected. The surprise happens when you're going number 2, you hear your wife scream and then silenced by gunshots and while excrement is still leaving your body you stand up trying to pull your pants on when the gunman bursts down the door and shoots you. That's being surprised. Looking at everyone at McDonald's and thinking how you'd incapacitate them doesn't mean every surprise is going to come out in a favorable way for you.

If a person chooses to live in an environment that gives them no contact to the worst people have to offer, then they will never understand what I talk about

It's time for you to stop alluding to how much real-life hands on experience you have and back it up with facts. What are you? A prison guard? Where does all this first hand knowledge come from? Most people who have these experiences that you claim to do not go on an internet forum bragging about them to prove their points.

I have seen violence on many levels, I have seen people die violently. I do not care if you dislike me due to my opinions, they work, they will keep you alive, and they are not based on fiction.

Yes, yes, you've alluded to that before, see my response above.
Huh. I guess you kinda killed the discussion Wishbone. Nice work. I guess no one wants to discuss with someone so long winded.

I liked the part about the excrement though.

I think it's best to take this entire post in sections. I have no problem with this statement. Even if people disagree about the level of danger in this situation, we can all pretend there was no option to leave for analysis.

Not sure how I missed your long winded post.. Thanks for bringing it back up I guess thesemindz. I thank you simply because I missed his response, your sarcasm is not overlooked, and is however slightly humorous.
the first thing I will say is that if you want any more personal information from me other then what I have posted in my profile, then you need to put what you ask out there and tell us who you are Mr. Anon... Lame.

Secondly, There are so many assumptions on your part in this post its ridiculous to try to answer all of them one at a time.

Lets try to shorten this so and make it simple so you can understand, since obviously you have little chance to figure it out on your own.

The situation was dangerous, he let his guard down more then enough by letting an individual get close enough to spit in his face. That is just a dumb thing to do, of course being in Canada after degrading the entire canadian population and walking to your car in the middle of a mob of Canadians is probably not smart to begin with. I am a big guy, with alot of experience with fighting, people do not worry me, but stuff like viruses, needles, blades, that worries me. So when I have a potential situation, or a situation occuring I make sure to attack in a way that will end the situation to my desired outcome with the least possible exposure to anything I listed above. If I am going to strike the face, or if there is a weapon involved that could severely cut my opponent I will make sure that the damage is not done to an area that will spray blood in my face. Thats what controlling the blood flow means. Obviously you will have risks any time you cut an opponent, but understanding how blood flows and avoiding the possibility, or positioning yourself in an advantageous position before doing it is not only possible, but smart defense. You do not smash a persons mouth and allow them to spit in your face, thats just careless and unnecessary. There are so many strikes that are just as good if not better then a strike to the face, so why risk that unless you have no other options? My comments about a tire iron were extreme obviously, and if I was in the situation and felt I had to use one to prevent harm to myself, I would be aiming at elbows, knees, spines, back of neck, etc. not the face.
Obviously thinking of worst case scenarios, there are many horror stories that can happen to take a person by surprise. I eliminate as many possibilities as possible, and I do not let people get close to me if possible. I do not like crowds, and I am very wary of how people move and position themselves. I consider everyone around me a possible threat, not necessarily threatening. Unfortunately my past made me think this way, I have several knife wounds from my past. I have survived drive by shootings, and I have been on both sides of the Mob deal, multiple times. Thats about as much of the story as anyone needs to hear. How about you? Or are you just the anon sheriff of the internet that thinks he has all the answers? Usually I would just dismiss an anon poster, but ehh I guess I am embarassed I missed this ridiculous response.
Regardless I don't think this thread has anything to offer anyways with or without my posts. It was a stupid situation that should have been easily avoided. Obviously we come at it from completely different backgrounds and experiences. I just find it funny how people with no experience with a certain situation give advice on it with authority, and when asked about their experience the response is almost as if it does not matter to begin with. I guess if we were living in a theoretical world that would make sense.
Not sure how I missed your long winded post.. Thanks for bringing it back up I guess thesemindz. I thank you simply because I missed his response, your sarcasm is not overlooked, and is however slightly humorous.
the first thing I will say is that if you want any more personal information from me other then what I have posted in my profile, then you need to put what you ask out there and tell us who you are Mr. Anon... Lame.

I don't want your personal information. I don't care who you are and figured even if you were to truly say so, which you didn't, you would be lying. The reason I called you out is because you claimed that your experiences in life gave you more authority than the rest of the posters in this thread. You put it out there, no one initially asked. You even went as far to say that your opinions will keep us alive. However, the information you give is vague, I know several thugs without training who have had the equivalent of what you have said so far. It doesn't help to prove your point when you make claims of that kind. Anyone who reads this thread can judge my points by the merits of my posts. I don't need to claim any sort of greatness to convey what I'm thinking. I'm not going to tell you anything about myself because either you would sneer at it, or you would say I was lying. You, along with the others here, can read what I have to write and take it as it is. I do not claim any knowledge or experience, nor do I need to, in making my points.

Secondly, There are so many assumptions on your part in this post its ridiculous to try to answer all of them one at a time.

Translation: I'm too lazy to try and make a coherent response and I'm hoping you will overlook all the points I don't address.

Lets try to shorten this so and make it simple so you can understand, since obviously you have little chance to figure it out on your own.

I imagine a good start would be to proofread your posts before clicking submit. Also, insults are the last refuge of a man who can't defend his position.

The situation was dangerous, he let his guard down more then enough by letting an individual get close enough to spit in his face. That is just a dumb thing to do, of course being in Canada after degrading the entire canadian population and walking to your car in the middle of a mob of Canadians is probably not smart to begin with. I am a big guy, with alot of experience with fighting, people do not worry me, but stuff like viruses, needles, blades, that worries me. So when I have a potential situation, or a situation occuring I make sure to attack in a way that will end the situation to my desired outcome with the least possible exposure to anything I listed above. If I am going to strike the face, or if there is a weapon involved that could severely cut my opponent I will make sure that the damage is not done to an area that will spray blood in my face. Thats what controlling the blood flow means. Obviously you will have risks any time you cut an opponent, but understanding how blood flows and avoiding the possibility, or positioning yourself in an advantageous position before doing it is not only possible, but smart defense.

So you still believe you have this blood flow control. Does your training include hitting people with the intent to cut, with knives and fists, so you can see how the blood actually sprays depending on each area hit or cut? I'm guessing not, because that kind of training would be ridiculous. I agree you can target areas less likely to bleed. But making claims about using an edged weapon and controlling the blood flow are delusional. I will no longer try and convince you of this, it's your delusion, and you're welcome to it.

You do not smash a persons mouth and allow them to spit in your face, thats just careless and unnecessary.

You have a lot of people try to spit in your face after you smash their mouth? Interesting.

There are so many strikes that are just as good if not better then a strike to the face, so why risk that unless you have no other options?

I'm not sure what your point is with that statement. I haven't made a comment that implied otherwise.

My comments about a tire iron were extreme obviously, and if I was in the situation and felt I had to use one to prevent harm to myself, I would be aiming at elbows, knees, spines, back of neck, etc. not the face.


Obviously thinking of worst case scenarios, there are many horror stories that can happen to take a person by surprise.

Yes there are, I mentioned one in an earlier post.

I eliminate as many possibilities as possible, and I do not let people get close to me if possible.

Well said.

I do not like crowds, and I am very wary of how people move and position themselves. I consider everyone around me a possible threat, not necessarily threatening.

This is fluff unnecessary to making your point, or it is used to distract from the lack of point.

Unfortunately my past made me think this way, I have several knife wounds from my past. I have survived drive by shootings, and I have been on both sides of the Mob deal, multiple times. Thats about as much of the story as anyone needs to hear.

Translation: I've been called out about trying to use my "experience" to support an insupportable position and I can't deliver.

How about you? Or are you just the anon sheriff of the internet that thinks he has all the answers? Usually I would just dismiss an anon poster, but ehh I guess I am embarassed I missed this ridiculous response.

If my response seems ridiculous take a second to really go back and read your posts. My posts are in response to the drivel you've spewed into this thread. I've never claimed to have all the answers. In fact, the only thing I've done is question your positions. I haven't tried to claim any superior knowledge in doing this. I don't need to. If you feel that I'm the Sheriff of the Internet just because I question you and don't bow down to your claimed expertise and arrogant posts, it's probably because you can't defend your positions in any logical manner. You have to resort to distracting the issue by trying to call me out. You can't defend your positions but expect all of us 'morons' to listen to your opinion. Maybe this isn't the place for you.

Regardless I don't think this thread has anything to offer anyways with or without my posts.

Then why did you post in the first place?

It was a stupid situation that should have been easily avoided.

You mean like when I suggested he just pose for the picture in the first place? Or walk away after being spat on?

Obviously we come at it from completely different backgrounds and experiences.

You don't have to tell me twice.

I just find it funny how people with no experience with a certain situation give advice on it with authority, and when asked about their experience the response is almost as if it does not matter to begin with. I guess if we were living in a theoretical world that would make sense.

That old tired line again. You probably don't know about most of the people here to say with authority that they have no experience. What's sad is that you don't seem to realize that you are essentially describing yourself in that paragraph.

In closing, I would like to mention all of the things I mentioned that you failed to address:

You failed to suggest a better defense after being spit on than walking away.

You failed to defend your comment about Chris Jericho's weight. That or your failure to mention it is an admission of how you were lying to try and make your point.

You have continuously failed to adequately back up your life experiences even though you continually flaunt them as if they give only you expertise that no one else here has. But don't bother. No matter what experience you can claim, it will not make your blood flow comments and everything else you have written any more intelligible than it currently is. Which is to say not much.

There are other things in my previous post that you also chose to not mention because I can only presume that you don't want to say I was right. Like the straw man fallacy you tried to use against Thesemindz.

Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Jeff Velten/Kreth
-MT Super Moderator-

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