Bodies on the asphalt

Forget about the police, this including the policia federal, the police is infiltred, the army and navy are doing the police roles now they are on patron in heavy armed convoys.


Well, at least someones doing something.
Our hearts are with you and your family, Manny. May you stay safe.
So my question would be to you Manny, do you think that the USAT, WTF or PATU should hold any events in Mexico??

I truly hope you and your family stay safe!!
A pic is worth 1000 of words this just hapened on my city in a large shoping mall area around 5:30 pm.


Manny: So sorry to learn that happened in your town. I heard about it on NPR radio yesterday and turned down the volume because I had my 6 1/2-year old son with me in the car. I thought about you, but a sound in mind kept on telling me 'it's in another town, it's not in Manny's town.' It's really, reallyy horrific and I pray that you and your family remain safe. How do the cartels really think they can win their fight based on what side commits more atrocities? I hear one of the groups is specializing in scalping -- removing victim's faces while they are alive.
A pic is worth 1000 of words this just hapened on my city in a large shoping mall area around 5:30 pm.


Manny: I think you should keep all this stuff under one thread: the one you started about a city in panic. It's very important stuff -- a diary to speak of -- of one Taekwondoin living in a terrorized city in Mexico. This is your voice, sent to us outsiders. This is your voice trying to explain what many of us might never comprehend: the Narco war, that is claiming innocent lives and on, which you are seeing with your own eyes. Keeep on writing, but be careful. Writers on the subject in Mexico are targets.

Your story brought a tear to my eye. I am hoping that this situation resolves it's self as quickly as possible. It is bad enough that you and your wife have to deal with this, but having children as witness is just horrible.
Manny: I think you should keep all this stuff under one thread: the one you started about a city in panic. It's very important stuff -- a diary to speak of -- of one Taekwondoin living in a terrorized city in Mexico. This is your voice, sent to us outsiders. This is your voice trying to explain what many of us might never comprehend: the Narco war, that is claiming innocent lives and on, which you are seeing with your own eyes. Keeep on writing, but be careful. Writers on the subject in Mexico are targets.

Yes, blogers,twiters (twiteros) and facebook are constatly under the magnifier glass of the state gobernment here, last week two twitter people who write about the events of august 26 (if I recall) were exonerate by a new law about terrorism, these two people a guy and a women were taken to prison because because they use the social net to keep inform the people of the bad things happening in my city, they were treated like terrorist and sent to jail.

It seems el cartel del golfo is killing the zetas, that's what people says. This all s..... ocurs when my wife was taking the girls from english clases to home, my girls saw everithing. The people that were there are telling two suburban trucks loaded with heavy armed gangs put the white open trucks loaded with corpses and began to put the bodies on the sphalt with a narc mesage.


HOOOLY CRAP!! Are you kiddin me? What city is this?
Jesus Manny. Stay safe. You have a lot of friends here who don't want to see anything bad happen to you or your family. Is it even safe for you to be posting this stuff? I've read news stories about the cartels targeting people who post pictures online or talk about what's going on. Don't take chances man. Keep your head down and protect your family. If you can, get the hell out of there. I know that's not an option for most of us, but if there's somewhere else to go, then go. A lot of us are praying for you or thinking of you or hoping for your safety. That's a kind of scary most of us will probably never face. Good luck buddy.

Fun Fact: All I know about Manny is a couple of Threads ive read over the past few Weeks.
And ill still Sympathise with someone just trying to get by with his Family being thrusted into an Unpredictable, Hostile Situation in what would have used to have been his Home and Town.
Jesus Manny. Stay safe. You have a lot of friends here who don't want to see anything bad happen to you or your family. Is it even safe for you to be posting this stuff? I've read news stories about the cartels targeting people who post pictures online or talk about what's going on. Don't take chances man. Keep your head down and protect your family. If you can, get the hell out of there. I know that's not an option for most of us, but if there's somewhere else to go, then go. A lot of us are praying for you or thinking of you or hoping for your safety. That's a kind of scary most of us will probably never face. Good luck buddy.


Well I've been a little quiet about the narc war in my city, and you are right is not so safe to post pics and tell alot in the net, a few weeks ago the governor of my state released two perople from jail just because the y post in the social net about the thinng I told you in my post my city is in panic.

The only thing I can tell you is even we are trying to live our lives as usual corpses still apearing in the streets everyday and everymorning everybody consult the net trying to locate the latest news because we can not trust local newspapers or tv news.

I can say I am living in the eye of the hurrycan, I can't tell or know where the bullets start to fly.


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