My city is in panic!!!!

It's sad but true, corruption and extorsion is infiltred in many places in Mexico, I don't feel secure to keep telling you about the bad and horroric things have been happening in my city cause ciber police are tracking the IP acounts of people and prosecute them because of cyber terrorism, last week two people were caught by federal police because of this and I belive they are not guilty they only gave info about the bad things that were happening in my cityon august 25th in the social net/web.

Believe me, nobody is safe and the only info we have is in the socila networks like facebook,twitter,etc,

And yes, I am afraid.


Stay safe!
(pen and paper still works well)
I'm really sorry to hear that. Stay safe, protect your family.
Hope things are better now.
May God protect you and yours.
It's sad but true, corruption and extorsion is infiltred in many places in Mexico, I don't feel secure to keep telling you about the bad and horroric things have been happening in my city cause ciber police are tracking the IP acounts of people and prosecute them because of cyber terrorism, last week two people were caught by federal police because of this and I belive they are not guilty they only gave info about the bad things that were happening in my cityon august 25th in the social net/web.

Believe me, nobody is safe and the only info we have is in the socila networks like facebook,twitter,etc,

And yes, I am afraid.


Just be careful buddy, family comes first!
Things are not easy in my city, some days are calm and only herd about some executions (narc gang members), some other days shootings like last night, two shootings took place inside residential complexes, one behind a ford dealer too. Afther closing the dojang yesterday night driving home the main streets of my city were empty it was 10 pm.

What are we trying to do? simply not going out unless is strictly necesary to try to reduce the exposition to bullets, ant try to be at home not passing 6 pm.


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