Yahoo: Pacman fight brings up issues of blackouts and crowd control

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
03-13-2010 06:05 PM:
What athlete can essentially shut down a nation? He's only 5-foot-6, 145 pounds but Manny Pacquiao has the power to do so. The Philippines goes to special lengths to make sure as much of the nation will see their hero in action tonight against Joshua Clottey. In Manila, the huge crowds make extra security a necessity.

According to Ric de Guzman, Mayor Alfredo Lim's chief of staff, members of the Manila Police District will augment the security marshals that have been tasked to maintain peace and order in the areas designated for the purpose of the free showing of the Pacquiao-Clottey match.

There will be huge screens set up around the city in six different districts showing a commercial free airing of the fight. In Pacquiao's hometown of General Santos City, there's a different issue to deal with. Because of the recent earthquake, power is at a premium.

The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) has assured that General Santos City residents can watch Manny Pacquiao's fight against Ghana's Joshua Clottey uninterrupted. The southern island has been reeling from 5- to 8-hour blackouts as hydro-power plants, which are the main sources of power in the south, were already drying up.

Pacman's mother Dionesia won't take the chance of missing any of her son's fight. She'll be watching at his mansion where they've set up a backup generator.

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.

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