Blue Blood in Ma


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I was listening to a gentlemen tonight and as he was speaking he said he is a Blue Blood in his style, out of curiousity I ask what do you mean Blue Blood and his response was I trained with a legitimate line of Instructors. So my question to you are you a Blue Blood or a mix of everything.
Myself I would have to say a mixture, My father was my original instructor and Gin Kim as my TKD instructor, I have had countless other instructor train me at seminars and while going from school to school I had a lot of other instructors.
I'm not trying to get in a argument about who trained who just never heard of a Blue Blood in MA before, I have in baseball or basketball or football. I.m interested only in only to see where you would put yourself?
Terry Lee Stoker
Hello, I guess mix? lots of red blood too! black & blues added at times

Broken bones and sticks do hurt, but words do not cause brain damages.....Aloha
For me, a blue blood lineage would imply father to son, uncle to nephew, whatever and I think few of us a fortunate enough to be born into a historically martial family. For me - I'm a mongrel through and through!! And I'm happy being composed of some of this style and some of that style. Who wants to be a pedigree? I'd rather run the streets with the pack than prance around a ring purely for show!! Hehe.

Seriously though, I'd also be very interested to know of anyone who has a martial heritage - sticking with one style only and training with the best therein takes commitment, discipline, patience anda knowledge of yourself and where you're headed.
This guy, (I apologize if he is a friend) sounds a little full of himself. IMO, calling oneself a blue blood is just another way to set oneself above another. I've learned martial arts from lots of different people...including wrestling and boxing coaches. Its all been valuable in some way...even if I can't trace the lineage back to some old dead guy.
I'd have to say a mix, however, everything that I train in can be traced, legitamately to a founder. For example: Modern Arnis-Remy Presas-to my instructors who both have trained under him.

upnorthkyosa said:
This guy, (I apologize if he is a friend) sounds a little full of himself. IMO, calling oneself a blue blood is just another way to set oneself above another. I've learned martial arts from lots of different people...including wrestling and boxing coaches. Its all been valuable in some way...even if I can't trace the lineage back to some old dead guy.

No not a friend just a instructor I had the unpleasure of meeting.

I personally think it is great if this guy (in his mind) thinks it is important that he can trace his martial arts lineage back to some esteemed deceased person. :)

I think it is BETTER if he can "walk the walk, not just talk the talk" so to speak. If he's had great instructors, he should be competent in what he does. If he is relying on his instructors' lineage, then what has HE done?

I am the first in my family, that I am aware of. I have two 2nd cousins that train; but, no teaching from either of those. I do, however, have my 2 stepkids in training with me; so, the potential for a lineage has begun, depending on what I do, I guess.

The idea of a lineage such as described is a neat thought; but, nothing I would find necessary for mine or another's training.
Miles said:

I personally think it is great if this guy (in his mind) thinks it is important that he can trace his martial arts lineage back to some esteemed deceased person. :)

I think it is BETTER if he can "walk the walk, not just talk the talk" so to speak. If he's had great instructors, he should be competent in what he does. If he is relying on his instructors' lineage, then what has HE done?


I think you've got it right, ultimately, Miles. I've spoken to some folks about this question, recently. I train with a guy who's got an impressive enough Karate lineage. I asked him how important it was to him. He said, "not very." I asked, "If you could get better lineage (by training under someone "big") would you?" He said, "yes, it'd be nice. But after doing this for 40 years, if I'm not making an impact in the arts with what I know already, does it matter where my lineage is?"

There are Harvard educated folks who are cashiers at Walmart, too. Children of great actors who cannot act. The name might getcha in the door, but its up to you to make things happen when you get there.
I am kind of a mixture of both if we go from the blue blood definition of father to son. My father began teaching me submission as a child, but I have had several instructors since then. He is not my instructor today, but I still have much to learn from him. I think the whole tracing od lineages is important, but not if you can't back up where you come from. Mongrel or blue blood doesn't really matter if you get your teeth kicked in.
upnorthkyosa said:
This guy, (I apologize if he is a friend) sounds a little full of himself. IMO, calling oneself a blue blood is just another way to set oneself above another. I've learned martial arts from lots of different people...including wrestling and boxing coaches. Its all been valuable in some way...even if I can't trace the lineage back to some old dead guy.

Personaly I think the man thought way to highly of himslef.

As for being a blue blood no mine flows red it only looks blue in my veins through the skin

All my instructors are real and ligit if you ask them:)
As long as you have a good instructor, a good martial arts style, etc., then you can simply go by this saying:

Good martial arts is still good martial arts, regardless of who teaches it, what country it came from, or what the lineage may be.

I would much rather learn from a good instructor who is several times removed from the founder, than to learn from an instructor who is not far removed from the founder that isn't as good of a teacher. Just because, for example, someone studied directly under Hironori Ohtsuka, does not necessarily mean that he is a great karate-ka. Even if someone studied for a while with Ohtsuka Soke for years, what good does that "blue blood lineage" do him if he's a sub-par martial artist in terms of training and teaching?

There's also another saying, that it all comes out in the wash. A well-prepared and informed mind can tell whether or not this "blue blood" instructor is any good. While having such close ties to a series of great instructors may give one the initial advantage, it becomes nothing more than a small factor, once the training begins in earnest. Your eyes, mind, and heart will tell you how good this guy may be, and those are the things that should be trusted, not someone's claim to fame.
true just because you are saying your a Blue Blood does not make you a great Martial Artist, but the common person does not know that and I think he uses it to build his Dojang. Remember he is not a friend just someone I meet, he does even know I teach.
MartialIntent said:
For me, a blue blood lineage would imply father to son, uncle to nephew, whatever and I think few of us a fortunate enough to be born into a historically martial family. For me - I'm a mongrel through and through!! And I'm happy being composed of some of this style and some of that style. Who wants to be a pedigree? I'd rather run the streets with the pack than prance around a ring purely for show!! Hehe.

Seriously though, I'd also be very interested to know of anyone who has a martial heritage - sticking with one style only and training with the best therein takes commitment, discipline, patience anda knowledge of yourself and where you're headed.
You know I have to agree with what is being said. Though most of my training has been in tkd. My background is mixed as well. As far as being a blue blood well I'm no princess. This guy sounds like he is just full of himself. Like him I can probably throw out some names but will that autmatically make me a great martial artists. NO. I really get tired of these people who appear to be so full of themselves. They have no real interest in the art itself. You know I have met people like this at tournaments and it always makes me laugh when they stand there and bost about their "lineage" and then count even hold their own in the ring.
terryl965 said:
true just because you are saying your a Blue Blood does not make you a great Martial Artist, but the common person does not know that and I think he uses it to build his Dojang. Remember he is not a friend just someone I meet, he does even know I teach.

Thats so true. The common person wouldn't know. Its disturbing to know that there are people in this art out there who would take advantage of others ignorance. I hate to admit that I have met people like this and if was not for doing my homework I too would have fallen victim to such gibberish.

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