Training on blood thinners

What styles would be best for me? Boxing, Muay Thai, etc? Also, what partner drills and forms would you suggest?

In a way having to be able to do as much as I can on my own by myself and stay sharp on self defense is good. I say this because I am a professional touring musician. So I pretty much never have training partners to work with.
I'll just add something to what others have said. The stricture away from grappling arts seems odd to me. There may be something the more medically-informed here can point out, but I can't imagine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu would be more dangerous in terms of bleeding than very light striking work. You'd probably want to avoid the harder Judo-type falls, but ground grappling (BJJ) and softer grappling arts (some types of Aikido, for instance) would be less likely to produce deep bruising than most striking work (other than solo work).
You'll be fine training, if you're smart. You won't want to do heavy bag work and sparring is right out. Forms, partner drills, low-impact bag work will all be fine.

Source: 35 years in the ER and a Masters in physiology.
What would be potential issues with going some on the bag? thank you :)
What would be potential issues with going some on the bag? thank you :)

Bruising. Joint effusions possibly. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but it could be needlessly painful.
I've got a big sore bruise on my hand today because I held a stack of boards for a promotional exam yesterday. Didn't think about it. Wouldn't have the bruise if not for the coumadin.
Bruising. Joint effusions possibly. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but it could be needlessly painful.
I've got a big sore bruise on my hand today because I held a stack of boards for a promotional exam yesterday. Didn't think about it. Wouldn't have the bruise if not for the coumadin.
Thank you! Ha yes spectacular bruise used to have awesomest war story attach to it now be like how in hell did you get that? I just waken up with it pffft.. And you can say random nosebleed without getting punch in the face that is not unusual either on warfarin/coumadin true yes??
Thank you! Ha yes spectacular bruise used to have awesomest war story attach to it now be like how in hell did you get that? I just waken up with it pffft.. And you can say random nosebleed without getting punch in the face that is not unusual either on warfarin/coumadin true yes??
Hell, I never have good war stories for injuries. Most of my obvious injuries happen outside the dojo. For example, I refer to my battle with the ninja spider named Inigo, which I detailed in MT sometime last year.

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