Blocking Moderators

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Yellow Belt
Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Hi I think on a forum you should be able to block moderators who you feel not comfortable with.
If someone is a moderator and is active on a forum and discussing as a member, then as members we should have the right to not see his or her post or engage with them. We should be allowed to ignore them on message posts, and on issues back end other moderators should handle any problems.
There are two reasons that you can't. The first is that moderators will sometimes put in thread warnings or announcements. We wouldn't know if you blocked us, and wouldn't want to have to figure out who's reading a thread to make sure a specific mod posts so that everyone can read the message.

The second reason is simply that the way this forum is built (and other forums using the same template) does not allow that. And none of us have access to change it, even if we wanted to. Which we don't, for the first reason listed.
Keep in mind that you're free to physically ignore any of us if you wish to. No need to engage with us if you don't wish, and if you feel one of us is being inappropriate in some way, you're free to report us. We have to follow the same rules as everyone else here.
Keep in mind that you're free to physically ignore any of us if you wish to. No need to engage with us if you don't wish, and if you feel one of us is being inappropriate in some way, you're free to report us. We have to follow the same rules as everyone else here.
Then I would like to have my account deleted and not be part of martial talk
I think you should learn some manners, develop some patience and get that chip off of your shoulder.
Who would ever think that a thread with this one's title could ever be anything other than a train wreck.
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