7starmantis said:
If they are teaching fighting, then yes. You cannot teach something you are not good at. The story was that he was teaching sparring, if your not a good fighter you can't teach fighting.
Personally I don't agree with the belief that there can be a good MA teacher who is a bad fighter. I know, I know, let the flames begin. How can you be a good MA instructor if you don't understand the concepts of the MA?
Can I qualify this?
At one time they were a good fighter?
Have you ever ahd the pleasure or priviledge to work with an oldtimer who ahs been there, and is not in the physical capability to step out onto the matts with 280 + lbs gorilla? Yet this Oldtimer knows when you move wrong by your motion and by his feeling your motion. Would this person's experience then no longer count?
And as for small penis syndrome, I have delt with this before, and I do not think it would have been in the case of the original post. It was a challenge, only the instructor did not know it was a challenge. After the first shot, it should have been stopped. Period. Why? Because someone was going to get hurt. The original poster was not there to learn he was there to fight. The insturctor was there to teach and instruct. How many of you have been in the place to have an ego come at you while your were instructing and claim they can get inside your defense or hit you. Then you give the challenger his lesson the hard way. You show them your were instructing and what would happen if you were not allowing the student a chance to move. If this is the beating the challenger was asking for then it was what they should have been expecting.
I had someone ask to just spar year ago. I was only a ranked colored belt. The instructor was not there as this was just free time for the students to train on their own.
I stopped everyone and explained to them, that I have lost as of that moment. Many of the other students could not understand? If I refused the offer to spar or challenge then I was considered a chicken. If I accepted, then and I lost then I was shown how mcuh I do nto know and how much better this other guy was and you should all go train wiht him. If I won he will raise a law suit against me for hurting him as he has not signed the wavers and been a student of this class.
I then turned to the challenger and asked him if he would wait until I could get everyone out and lock the doors. Just me and him. No Pads. No rules. The winner was the one who walked out conscious. The Challenger smiled and said nothing and got up and left. Maybe we both won as we both walked out? I still think I lost.
Now if the other senior colored student had been there, he would have accepted and then hurt him, just to show this guy what to expect from a real fight. As he would not have told him there were no rules. He would have even allowed the guy to pad up and then come at him.
Yet, you see, no matter what happens I have lost. Either I lose the physical confratation or I lose the mental, or I am acused of being a bully and having a small penis. There is no winning situation here.
Just my thoughts abd experience:asian: