Luckyboxer, they don't want to understand how the C.I.A. actually used waterboarding to get the information. They call it torture as if it has anything in common with pincers, and pliers and batteries connected to sensitive parts of the anatomy. It is not even close. If they would read "Courting Disaster," or the book "Master Mind," they would understand the process of information gathering that was used. They waterboarded KSM three times. He broke, and decided that he had had enough. He then went on to conduct lectures for intelligence analysts on the al queda network, their leadership, their financing, how they moved people around the world, he told them everything. Before he was waterboarded he didn't tell them anything. He was also ready for the water boarding through his terrorist training. When they were pouring the water on him, he knew exactly how long they could pour the water and would show them he was counting the seconds on his fingers.
I was listening to Dennis Miller today at work. He made the point that if you knew one of these jerks had knowledge of a bomb attack, and you didn't waterboard him, that would be the immoral act. To let innocent people die, when a non-lethal, safe, and mild form of coercian will get the information you need would be wrong.
The people on the other side of the argument throw out the word torture in order to silence the argument. Torture brings to mind intense pain, long term damage, and physical injury, and is nothing like the water boarding the C.I.A. used. Oliver North was on the radio show I listen to in the morning, Don And Roma out of chicago, he said he has been waterboarded 3 times, and when he was an instructor at S.E.R.E. he waterboarded trainees. He has no problem with using it. Of course a british writer, an older british writer, and a shock jock know more than a S.E.R.E instructor.