Homosexual union is pretty a new concept. Never in thousands of years has this issue ever been brought up which is why there so little talk about it. Homosexuality in many cultures (especially Abrahamic cultures) is considered a wrong and a sin punishable by death. However, as we all know homosexuality does occur in Nature among other animals as well as humans. It may have something to do with upbringing, but it may also have to do with genes. In Brito-Indian culture today homosexuality is looked down upon strongly and yet there are more homosexuals there than here! So how can homosexuality be wrong if you are brought up with it?
But hey, believe whatever you want. Let gays do whatever they want and if you don't like them then don't be around them (although you should realize that it most likelly is not a wrong). Let gays do any sexual acts they want to each other.......oh yea now there is laws that protect this right

. So then a couple or more decades ago sex between to consenting adults became legal. Great! Now homosexuals have all the rights they can ever have right?
Well according to some today no. Apparently they want their unions regarded equal as marriage. Well of course the truth is that marriage has been a union between a man and a woman. This tradition is more biological and dates back to homo erectus man (the first ape or our line to develop into monogamous and under rare circumstances polygamous but still devoted to a particular woman). But homosexuals in my eyes are going a bit too far want to change the definition of marriage.
Of course they will come at you with stuff like "Well marriage between two races was taboo" when in fact that was only something only taboo here in the states and Colonial Western Culture. And even if such things occurred, the bottom line remains marriage is between a man and a woman.
OK, so marriage is between a man and a woman. Yes, this is true. So why don't homosexuals create their own brand new traditional institutions of homosexual unions called "Garriage" or "Homunion" or something. Then homosexuals and homosexual "marriage" would answer back saying that they want it to be equal. Well you do have it equal, you get the same economic rights as straight married couples but it will just be called something different.
Then it hit. Why the heck are we debating the issue on what "marriage" is? Is it the government's job to set up institutions on out planet? NO, of course not! The government's job is to keep the peace and not to get too much involved with people's rights.
So why the heck are we even calling economic unions "marriage"? Why don't we just call it civil unions? Not just homosexual unions but ANY unions between two consenting adults (including man and woman). Let's leave it up to the people to decide what marriage is, not the government. It isn't the government's job to decide what is moral and immoral outside the universal moral issues as well as issues that relate more to life and death (such as euthanasia and abortion).
Don't you think this is the best solution? Let us put any of your conservative or liberal beliefs on what "marriage" is aside. Calling economic unions; civil unions will not force people to have on opinion toward a word marriage

? ItÂ’s just an union with governmental economic benefits in reality. And perhaps once this happen maybe economic unions can be extended further than the realms of sexual relation couples in love or wanting kids if you catch what I mean by that

. Perhaps really close friends or best friends can get this economic union if they like too even if they are not gay. It doesn't have to relate to heterosexuality or homosexuality. I have my opinions (I believe marriage is between a man and a woman), as do others (like people who think it is okay to change the definition of marriage).
What do you think just calling it civil unions for all type of unions? I can't think of a better solution. The only way this would come to be is if liberals, conservatives, and statists come off their high horses and realize there are many ways to look at things. I myself am guilty some times of wanting things what I want right but my view is no more right than anyone elses in reality. I'm just a homo sapien sapien like anyone else
