In the end, it doesn't matter what the "Will of The People" is.
I will bet that if you put a lines on the ballots that the following should be law, they would pass:
- Laws restricting minority access/rights in heavy white conservative areas.
- Laws restricting whites in heavy minority areas.
- Laws requiring children be removed from single parents
The purpose of the courts, these so called "Activist" judges, is to protect us, from ourselves.
If you tried to pass a law today that outlawed interracial marriage, it would fail as it is discriminatory. These "Anti-Gay" laws will eventually be overturned. It may take a while as I highly doubt that in todays uber-conservative Amerika that too many judges and justices have the balls to do what it right.
I say, lets legalize gay bashing. What "fag" ever did anything for this country right? While we are at it, lets reinstitutionalize slavery. I've always wanted a house slave. What else can we do? Right. Lets ban cross racial relationships, require the registration of all Arab and Jews (basically because they look too much alike), ban all Hispanics from holding office, and start deporting Asian because those slant eyed bastards just drag our IQ up and we don't need that now do we? Now, have I missed anyone? Oh Right! Once we get all that done, lets build fences and guard posts around all these Indian Reservations and add a $5 car toll to cross the borders on those people buying their cheap tax free cancer sticks and cheap gas. Our President doesn't know the meaning of the word "Sovernty", so we can just do it. Anyway, those dumb redskins lost anyway.
Now that I have managed to offend, well, everyone, pause for a moment.
What part of what I said offended you, and what part didn't?
It should all be offensive. If parts weren't, you might want to think for a moment on what is truly within your hearts.
Discrimination of any form, be it cultural, religious, gender, sexual orientation, or other should not be tolerated, accepted or legislated.
We eliminated slavery.
We eliminated racial and gender barriers to voting, and many other rights.
Profiling based on race/religion/etc is illegal.
So why is it supposedly right to discriminate against gays and deny them the right of happyness?
I for one will be watching for Mr. Bush's reaction to meeting Sir Elton John and his partner at an upcoming gathering.