In another thread there was some talk about the horse stance and for this one I want to just list a couple of benefits for the static hold exercises. As in how to static hold exercises benefit the body. I think many things will make more sense if we zoom out and start from a wider point of view to help understand the specifics. I guess you can say that this perspective is like: "instead of trying to understand the forest by looking at one tree, we must first see the forest" type of perspective. This thread is more for those who may be interested in how it helps. At the end of the day people are going to do what is best for them be it static holds or dynamic exercises. There's nothing about our previous discussions that say you can't do both.
There are more links in the article if you are interested in it. There's one linked to a study. My personal thoughts on the study stuff is: "The fastest way to find out is to try." A week should be long enough to see if it gives you the results that you want or incorporate it into what you already do. Either way, one should be able to notice a difference in a week.
static holds, which involve holding a position in place without moving.
Supporting post-injury recovery
help support your growth, incorporating isometric exercises can help lead to better joint mobility and target muscles without any further injury.
Sustaining prolonged tension and increased muscle fiber activation
During a static hold, your muscles must sustain prolonged tension, but your joints must adapt and become more resilient over time.
Enhancing stabilization
As the muscles tighten without movement, your body’s joints and core become more stable. Regularly performing static hold exercises can also help to improve your posture
I hope this will help someone
There are more links in the article if you are interested in it. There's one linked to a study. My personal thoughts on the study stuff is: "The fastest way to find out is to try." A week should be long enough to see if it gives you the results that you want or incorporate it into what you already do. Either way, one should be able to notice a difference in a week.
static holds, which involve holding a position in place without moving.
Supporting post-injury recovery
help support your growth, incorporating isometric exercises can help lead to better joint mobility and target muscles without any further injury.
Sustaining prolonged tension and increased muscle fiber activation
During a static hold, your muscles must sustain prolonged tension, but your joints must adapt and become more resilient over time.
Enhancing stabilization
As the muscles tighten without movement, your body’s joints and core become more stable. Regularly performing static hold exercises can also help to improve your posture
I hope this will help someone