Thanks guys, way back a few years ago I did a little boxing myself. I admit, it seems that in the martial arts community there seems to be a lot more "politics" involved that in martial sport (boxing, mma, ect.) arena. At times it seems you have to tred softly (and that goes against some people's nature)until you get to know each other. Everybody is a product of their experience, and not everyone has had the same experiences in their martial arts journey.
Markulous, I wish you the best of luck in your training in the martial arts. I personally found it a lot more rewarding than boxing was,and had more to offer me from a self-defense standpoint. But I still find that I am still more comfortable with my hands than with my feet, unless I am using them to stand on. I am also not very comfortable on the ground. Some old habits are hard to break. :asian:
Markulous, I wish you the best of luck in your training in the martial arts. I personally found it a lot more rewarding than boxing was,and had more to offer me from a self-defense standpoint. But I still find that I am still more comfortable with my hands than with my feet, unless I am using them to stand on. I am also not very comfortable on the ground. Some old habits are hard to break. :asian: