Beast vs Beast

now thats what i call starting things off right...welcome to martial talk
I just got another computer and networked them together, then got my wife to register for martial talk. Then messed up and posted a new topic with her account when I was trying to reply to the man vs beast thread. So everyone, this is my wife Lisa DeLamar. I have been trying to get her more involved in martial arts because of all of the ways it benifits your everyday life.
But anyway, here is my reply I was going to put in the man vs beast thread
Note how the group of lionesses made the kill, and were swarmed, while the male lions picked off an individual hyena to mess with.... It's a pretty sweet deal if you are a dominant male lion - I think they sleep about 20-23 hours a day, mate, take food from the lioness kills, and fight off other males.
Feisty Mouse said:
It's a pretty sweet deal if you are a dominant male lion - I think they sleep about 20-23 hours a day, mate, take food from the lioness kills, and fight off other males.
Sounds like a plan to me...:D
What I find amazing is that this sort of thing goes on all the time in Africa... and in the dark without the benefit of a film crew's light. Out there in the savannah it's total black night with only starlight and/or moonlight or none at all to see by. Sensitive hearing and smell are what these creatures have to go by. Yes they do have better night vision but even then what they're seeing is dark shadowy shapes against black.
Ya, the males seem to have it easy... Still the male does seem to do his job in protecting the pride when the females are resting after a long-night's hunt, but they (the males) have a nasty habit of killing off every cub in the pride whenever they win a fight against a dominate male and takes over his harem. We know this as the (winning) lion's way to ensure his successful genes gets passed on, but still the thought of it is pretty brutal.
Luckily we humans don't resort to that as when a woman divorces (or is widowed by) her man and marries another and the "new" man has to contribute to the welfare of the previous man's children.
But then again, we're not animals are we?
The one and only thing that keeps people from behaving like that is laws, plain and simple. And that dont even stop some people. Most people realize that they are going to prison for a very long time if they kill someone, or robb someone when your low on cash. The only thing that stops them is the fear of the law. I know I can admit it, there have been times in my life that I would have done something violent if it were not for the fear of the law. Say someone is talking trash to you, right to your face, calling your mom a ***, and your wife a this or that. You would want to beat the living **** out of them, but will you? No. Why? Fear of the law.