Bangladeshi Muslims Whip Rape Victim to Death

On the other hand, Don, I don't see you decrying the burning of "witches"-many only children-in Nigeria or other places in sub-Saharan Africa, or questioning why the "Christians" aren't screaming the loudest about this (and other) barbarisms taking place, and perpetrated by Christians.....

So does this, and "CHRISTIANS" do it.:

I was witnessing a horrific practice which appears to be on the increase in Kenya - the lynching of people accused of being witches.
I personally saw the burning alive of five elderly men and women in Itii village.

I had been visiting relatives in a nearby town, when I heard what was happening. I dashed to the scene, accompanied by a village elder.
He reacted as if what we were watching was quite normal, which was shocking for me.
As a stranger I felt I had no choice but to stand by and watch. My fear was that if I showed any sign of disapproval, or made any false move, the angry mob could turn on me.
Not one person was protesting or trying to stop the killing.
Hours later, the police came and removed the charred bodies.
Village youths who took part in the killings told me that the five victims had to die because they had bewitched a young boy.
"Of course some people have been burned. But there is proof of witchcraft," said one youth.
I am not questioning your right to post anything bill mattocks, in fact you're pretty funny most of the time. I simply said I found it funny, with the fact that you have to take specific actions to read a post by first coming to the study and then clicking on the specific thread, that people care so much what other people post. It is very easy to ignore people here, there is even a setting for it.
Elder 999, I don't remember seeing anything in church where the pope condoned the burning of witches. At least not in the last month or so. I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find a priest, if there was one, attached to that village that encouraged or supported the burning of the "witches." I seem to recall that there are quite a few Imams out there who do support all manner of horrible acts in the name of Islam. Of course we could go back all the way to the crusades, a defensive war against Islamic aggression, or the inquisition. That seems to be the fall back position to any criticism of Islamic terrorism.


Not all muslims are terrorists. In fact, the majority of muslims are not terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.

you did, with that silly picture you posted.

I did no such thing. The claim wasn't "Muslims are bad" (at least explicitly), the claim was "Muslims don't speak out about terrorism." Well, they do, and the pictures prove it. The pictures prove nothing more than that.

Of course, you can't possibly refute the actual point or the actual evidence, so you construct a strawman about how posting proof that Muslims speak out about terrorism also means that I am ignoring the detestable oppression of women that goes on in the name of Islam. I do no such thing, and you are a liar to claim it.
How many of those signs are directed at the democratic state of Israel. I don't quite see more than two of the signs directed specifically at Islamic violence.
Elder 999, I don't remember seeing anything in church where the pope condoned the burning of witches. At least not in the last month or so. I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find a priest, if there was one, attached to that village that encouraged or supported the burning of the "witches."

And, once again, you're wrong, bill:

Mary is a pretty five-year-old girl with big brown eyes and a father who kicked her out onto the streets in one of the most dangerous parts of the world. Her crime: the local priest had denounced her as a witch and blamed her "evil powers" for causing her mother's death.

Yet Mary and the others at the shelter are the lucky ones for they, at least, are alive. Many of those branded "child-witches" are murdered - hacked to death with machetes, poisoned, drowned, or buried alive in an attempt to drive Satan out of their soul.

The devil's children are "identified" by powerful religious leaders at extremist churches where Christianity and traditional beliefs have combined to produce a deep-rooted belief in, and fear of, witchcraft. The priests spread the message that child-witches bring destruction, disease and death to their families. And they say that, once possessed, children can cast spells and contaminate others.
and the mind reading continues.............

I did no such thing. The claim wasn't "Muslims are bad" (at least explicitly), the claim was "Muslims don't speak out about terrorism." Well, they do, and the pictures prove it. The pictures prove nothing more than that.

Of course, you can't possibly refute the actual point or the actual evidence, so you construct a strawman about how posting proof that Muslims speak out about terrorism also means that I am ignoring the detestable oppression of women that goes on in the name of Islam. I do no such thing, and you are a liar to claim it.
I have a feeling that it is more the "traditional" beliefs that cause the burnings than the christian part. I would also like to know more about the "christian" priests that are doing the ordering and the casting out. Where were they trained, Rome? Something also tells me that they are not getting permission to burn witches from the vatican. And I can pretty much tell you that priests from the developed world are not condoning the killing of witches. However, Imams in western, first world nations are supporting the murder and torture of innocent people. Some of these people are leaders of whole countries, with access to modern weapons.


I, as a Roman Catholic, do not support the burning of witches, and call on the resources of law enforcement to do everything in their power to bring the people who do burn witches to justice.


Elder 999,will you join me in condemning the burning of witches?
Reading the article you supplied Elder 999, it is obvious that these are guys hiding behind and using religion to shake down people in the village. It has less to do with religion, more to do about making their equivalent of money. The same cannot be said about Radical Muslim Extremists. Many of these guys come from upper middle class families, not third world african nations. They are also doing there acts in the name of their religion.


I do not believe that all muslims are terrorists or that most muslims are terrorists.

I have a feeling that it is more the "traditional" beliefs that cause the burnings than the christian part. I would also like to know more about the "christian" priests that are doing the ordering and the casting out. Where were they trained, Rome? Something also tells me that they are not getting permission to burn witches from the vatican. And I can pretty much tell you that priests from the developed world are not condoning the killing of witches. However, Imams in western, first world nations are supporting the murder and torture of innocent people. Some of these people are leaders of whole countries, with access to modern weapons.

The article is somewhat misleading: it's not merely Catholics, but Evangelicals as well who have engaged in and encouraged the identification and removal of witches.

The priests are trained in Rome and elsewhere, and have Vatican permission to integrate "traditional African practices" into their faith. If you attended church in Nigeria, you might just find a goat being sacrificed in the apse-in fact, I'd wager you can find it in at least one Roman Catholic church with an African congregation in the U.S.

And, lest we forget, there was this:


Elder 999,will you join me in condemning the burning of witches?

Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Exodus 22:18
(In the original Hebrew manuscript, the author used the word m'khashepah to describe the person who should be killed. The word means a woman who uses spoken spells to harm others - e.g. causing their death or loss of property."Evil sorceress" or "woman who does evil magic" would be the most accurate phrases in today's English usage for this verse. )
Yes, I can see the sacrificing the goat integration, but the burning an innocent girl on charges of witchcraft coming from a western trained catholic priest is still not sinking in. The evangelical side the same thing. I think you have some less educated third world thugs, using religion as a tool, as opposed to radical islamic terrorism, which has some pretty sophisticated adherents who are preaching death and destruction to non-muslims.


I do not think that all third world evangelical ministers condone the burning of witches. I do not think that all muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.

Just an observation, but laws that punish the woman in a rape, only make keeping them under lock and key more likely; so, I can see this issue and others like it bringing Islam to the Table on womens rights. Maybe...
Every time? No. But I think I've expressed more than an occasional bit of outrage.
Yes, I can see the sacrificing the goat integration, but the burning an innocent girl on charges of witchcraft coming from a western trained catholic priest is still not sinking in. The evangelical side the same thing. I think you have some less educated third world thugs, using religion as a tool, as opposed to radical islamic terrorism, which has some pretty sophisticated adherents who are preaching death and destruction to non-muslims.


I do not think that all third world evangelical ministers condone the burning of witches. I do not think that all muslims are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.


So, let me get this right.

Radical Islamic terrorism=sophisticated adherents preaching death.

African Syncretic Christian "witch" burners="less educated third-world thugs."

Never minding, for a minute, that your typical radical Islamic suicide-bomber is hardly literate, no matter his perceived level of piety, and relies upon others to relate to him what the Koran says.

Frankly, I find your attempt at not equating these atrocities done at the behest of so-called "Christian," and, sometimes, "Catholic" leaders, weak and hypocritical.

In point of fact, the people of the village, where the whipping in the OP took place, were acting against the law of the land, but at the direction of the local religious authority. The incident in Bangladesh and the incidents in Nigeria are exactly the same sort of thing: an ignorant populace being urged on to commit criminal barbarities by religious authority, based on misinterpretation of sacred texts, and nothing more.
I have a feeling that it is more the "traditional" beliefs that cause the burnings than the christian part. I would also like to know more about the "christian" priests that are doing the ordering and the casting out. Where were they trained, Rome?
No, but the detestable Cadinal Law is in Rome, is being protected by the Vatican, when he should be imprisoned for aiding and abetting Pedophile priests in the rape and molestation of children. The Catholic Church has, throughout the ages done just as much, maybe even more damage than the various sects of Islam.
Really? I was born at night, Don, but not last night. Please do not urinate down my back and tell me it's raining.

Did you think anyone would disagree with the sentiment that bad people doing bad things is bad? Did you suspect that anyone here step up and say that no, they think barbarism is a lovely thing altogether and they wish it was practiced more often these days?

Or was this perhaps - just perhaps - part of your agenda, dovetailing as it does with your perpetual posting of every negative news story you can find that has the world "Muslim" in it?

The term 'one trick pony' springs unbidden to mind. You have a problem with Muslims. We get it. You're convinced we just don't understand how dangerous them there people are. We get it. Some of us agree with you - bilichak, your echo chamber - and some don't - like me. Nobody is likely to have their mind changed by your posting these things over and over again, and then denying you're doing it because of some religious hatred like ANYONE believes you. Yawn. It's boring, Don. It's banal. It's pointless.

Bill M I was gonna say shhhh cause twin fist, might open his yap and don't get him going :p

Oops, too late now. :p