Bad wallstreet occupyer behavior

I've never tried "hippie" punching, but I would guess that you would need to get some shots first and have anti-bacterial soap handy afterward?

I have relatives and friends that could be described as hippies. The great thing about them is that I've never heard them make bigoted, sweeping generalizations about thousands of people they don't know.
I have relatives and friends that could be described as hippies. The great thing about them is that I've never heard them make bigoted, sweeping generalizations about thousands of people they don't know.

One of my brother-in-laws is, and he does. So there you go.
One of my brother-in-laws is, and he does. So there you go.

Kind of missed the point.

One of the things I like about you is that you don't sink to this level of simple prejudice when the subject is muslims or mexican immigrants, like everyone else around here seems to. I guess we managed to find a group of people where your dislike outweighs your critical thinking skills.

So what sets you apart from one of our muslim-haters apart from the particular target chosen?
Oh really? You were fine with it when LaRouche supporters were used to paint the Tea Party as racist...

Find where I said that. In fact I challenge you to find a single statement of mine as judgmental and thoughtless as the blizzard of recent stupidity we've seen here on this subject,
As ever, the lovable and talented Ann Coulter is truly a marketing genius. Her book captures the spirit of the times quite well...

[h=1]Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is
Endangering America [Hardcover][/h]Ann Coulter

The demon is a mob, and the mob is demonic. The Democratic Party activates mobs,
depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs—it is the mob.
Sweeping in its scope and relentless in its argument, Demonic explains
the peculiarities of liberals as standard groupthink behavior. To understand
mobs is to understand liberals.

In her most provocative book to date,
Ann Coulter argues that liberals exhibit all the psychological characteristics
of a mob, for instance:

Liberal Groupthink: “The same mob mentality that
leads otherwise law-abiding people to hurl rocks at cops also leads otherwise
intelligent people to refuse to believe anything they haven’t heard on NPR.”

Liberal Schemes:“No matter how mad the plan
is—Fraternité, the ‘New Soviet Man,’ the Master Race, the Great Leap Forward,
the Cultural Revolution, Building a New Society, ObamaCare—a mob will believe

are you seriously trying to claim that the military is ruining the country???

****ing seriously?

Putting on costume and killing people overseas does not equal serving the country or the people or anyone but the Wall Street string pullers who use the costumes to force others to do what they want. These costumes are part of what is destroying the country. The debt racked up to pay for the mess the costumes are a part of is stealing the wealth from everyone. Whilst the individual might be good and patriotic, it is false to extend this into the immoral costumed institutions.

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exactly wrong

the truth has come out, it is funded by working families, which is funded by the tides foundation which IS george soros

it is pure astroturf

This also apears to be a true grass roots movement, not funded by some left wing version of the Koch brothers.
What is the most amusing thing about Soros being behind this? He's the man WHO BROKE the bank of England, he embodies EXACTLY what the kooks say they are against.
Kind of missed the point.

One of the things I like about you is that you don't sink to this level of simple prejudice when the subject is muslims or mexican immigrants, like everyone else around here seems to. I guess we managed to find a group of people where your dislike outweighs your critical thinking skills.

So what sets you apart from one of our muslim-haters apart from the particular target chosen?

Hahaha, you caught me. I do indeed have an unreasonable prejudice. It's against these Occupy Wall Street protesters. But at least it's equal opportunity; I don't dislike them on the basis of their age, race, gender, religion, or political persuasion. Oops, caught again, I don't like socialists and I downright loathe communists.

Your criticism is fair, but I have to tell you, I'm enraged at these protesters. I fear the damage they could do to our system and I think they're not just misguided, but dangerous.

I fully realize that not all of the protesters are filthy dirty hippies, commies, or criminals. However, they're fodder and tools for those who are. And if they find a charismatic leader, their non-violent protests will become violent in nothing flat. They terrify me.

FWIW, I have only slightly less loathing for the Tea Party. Since they were subsumed into the GOP, however, they've had their teeth pulled, more or less. They're still numskulls, but I doubt they'll be blowing anything up.
I can appreciate where you are coming from, and your self-honesty. Another thing I admire about you is you are honest about yourself, even when it doesn't make you look good.

I fear the damage they could do to our system and I think they're not just misguided, but dangerous.

How many people are we talking about here? 50,000 at most? If every one of those 50,000 picked up an assault rifle and started their revolution, it would do no damage to the system. It would damage many people's lives, but the system would be unscathed. In fact, the system would be strengthened because their message would be ignored when the masses turned against them.

They will bring down nothing. Mass popular movements require "mass" and "popularity", which are two things this particular movement lacks. When 50 million people join up, then the system is in danger.

However - what will make their message resonate and cause their movement to build? The short sighted decisions of our governmental and business leaders. A widening wealth gap and permanent elevated unemployment. We went through this before in the 30's, and it wasn't fun. Our elites did learn a valuable lesson at that time though - worker protections and rising wages and quality of life for everyone benefits the elites. It keeps everyone bought into the system and too damned comfortable to pick up an assault rifle. Anyone who wants the return of the Gilded Age should remember how that turned out.

For all of that though, I would be absolutely shocked if you could find even a hundred of these protestors who would be willing to pick up a gun and start shooting. It isn't nearly bad enough for that. Yet, at least.
As per the thread title... what makes 'good' occupier behavior?

Is occupying somewhere like that ever justified, would you do it if you felt strongly enough? How would you go about demonstrating to your government that you had serious issues they weren't addressing and voting didn't seem to make any difference? If legal demos etc didn't get any notice or didn't work would you do something illegal?
Attend a peaceful, quiet, respectful tea party rally. Even the anti-tea party infiltrators only hold up Obama as Hitler signs to get in front of the cameras. They don't spit, poop, or antagonize the police. The tea party also shows respect to the military and cleans up after themsleves.
but they might just kill a few thousand innocent people in the process....

And if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

All of the violence associated with this group wadded up into a ball and put in one place wouldn't account for 20 minutes in a moderately bad neighborhood.
Attend a peaceful, quiet, respectful tea party rally. Even the anti-tea party infiltrators only hold up Obama as Hitler signs to get in front of the cameras. They don't spit, poop, or antagonize the police. The tea party also shows respect to the military and cleans up after themsleves.

Yeah, we get it. All of my anti-government nutballs are perfect and beautiful, all of your anti-government nutballs are horrifying savages. Give that poor jukebox a rest, this song's been on repeat for a long time now.
For all of that though, I would be absolutely shocked if you could find even a hundred of these protestors who would be willing to pick up a gun and start shooting. It isn't nearly bad enough for that. Yet, at least.

You make excellent points. But I read their Twitter feeds, and it's all this violent rhetoric; not the stuff being reported on the news. Maybe it's just words; but it frightens and angers me.

I also have a very negative memory of the 1960's in terms of social unrest. It may have been the 'Summer of Love' in San Francisco, but in the Midwest, protesters were occupying government and school buildings, building and setting off bombs, and rioting.

I remember 1973, I was living in Pekin, Illinois. I was a newspaper boy. I was assaulted and beaten by a hippie who stole a newspaper from me; he worked for the McGovern election campaign office. I remember well the trauma; the police caught him but I was too scared to ID him in a lineup (I was 12). The police gave my dad five minutes in a closed room with the hippie and that was that. A few weeks later, my dad took me to the Pekin Library to see President Nixon; he was dedicating the new library to the late Senator Dirksen. A bunch of hippies showed up and started screaming and waving signs around; then they started fighting the police. I watched the police beat them with riot batons; my dad got a very grim expression on his face and forcibly turned my head away so I could not see it and he never spoke about it again. I didn't 'get it' then. I do now.

Now here is it, 2011. Times are tough and I am afraid that this crap will resonate with the lazy and the criminal, the people who think they're entitled to higher education for free, free medical care for life, unemployment insurance that never runs out, and so on. I'm afraid that these protests will find a charismatic leader who will very quickly subvert them and turn them into something very very violent and evil.

Recently, I was posting on Twitter because I was angry at the Occupy Wall Street protesters who keep staying they speak for the 99% and some of them insist the 'Veterans are with them.' I said that they should stop saying they speak for veterans, and they do not. I got this reply: "Correct. We don't speak for warmongers who do the banks' dirty work. Serving in pretend wars; killing for greed." And I see others in this very thread are adopting that tone. They don't badmouth veterans normally; but when the anger comes out, they speak their mind about how they feel about those of us who have served in uniform. The mask slips and we see that yes, truly, still think of us as babykillers.

When I joined the Marine Corps in 1979, it seemed the nation was very polarized. We were 'warned' not to go out in town on liberty in uniform; fact. I wasn't 'spit on' but I was hassled and called names and refused service by people who disliked the military. Now since 2001, we're heroes again, right? Except yeah, not so much when it comes to Occupy Wall Street. They 'speak for us' but they actually hate us if you scratch the surface.

I guess you could say my fear, distrust, and animosity runs deep. Unfair? Maybe. Could be I have some issues based on my life experience. At the same time, I don't see love, trust, and acceptance in these crowds of numskulls. I see anger, animosity, and a stated desire to tear down not just the things that are wrong, but our entire culture. I won't stand for it.

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