Bad wallstreet occupyer behavior

I'm half calling B.S. on this right here- and betting that's a homeless dude who has nothing to do with the Wall Street "occupation."

The car is marked 81st precinct, which is in Brooklyn, not Manhattan. In fact, it's Bed-Stuy, where-not for nothin'-they wouldn't take cops away from-maybe the cops are in Manhattan on overtime (wish I could see a better perspective on this to tell exactly where it is) but-except for the guy being white-this just might be in Brooklyn....

I'm gonna disagree with you here man. Your statement seems to assert that because he's white it may not be Brooklyn. As if the NY population is neatly segregated. It could be anywhere in the city. Oh, and most of the people I know from Brooklyn are white, ike my bud Sal who owns a pizza place in Bed Stuy.
"Protesters clashed with security staff when they tried to enter a museum in Washington on Saturday, prompting one guard to usepepper spray and leading to at least one arrest, a spokeswoman said.
The incident occurred at The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum around 3:15 pm (1915 GMT), after hundreds of activists had marched from Freedom Plaza, near the White House, along the National Mall towards the US Capitol.
Some of those in the demonstration were affiliated with the Occupy DC protest group that sprung up earlier this week as a spin-off of the larger Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, angered at "corporate greed."
Smithsonian spokeswoman Linda St. Thomas said a group of the protesters were confronted when they tried to push through the doors and enter the Air and Space Museum.
"When they were told they couldn't bring the banners they were carrying inside one security officer used pepper spray," she said.
"There were a couple of hundred protesters in the area at the time and Washington police were called. There was one arrest that I know of," she added, noting that the museum closed its doors two hours early because of the clash. "

There's something missing isn't there? They were told they couldn't bring their banners in then pepper sprayed... did they refuse, did they have time to obey the instruction or were they just told then sprayed?

One of the joys of a country proudly trumpeting they are a country of free speech is that is exactly what you get... free speech, now you can live with it or ban it. Or you can sound like a maiden aunt on discovering what she thinks is a brothel is being set up opposite her house! which of course it never is.

What upsets me the most is how the greedy and powerfull people can never get enough and are never satisfied. In our countries past history people had to die to bring to pass changes related to antitrust fare labor, safety and civil rights. It was government in support of those people protesting and dying the force the Rober Barrons, corporations and others to change. Greedy and powerful people will not change unless forced to be fair and equitable and we now have a legislature that is greedy and powerful on both sides. I have been saying for some time that if things do not change violent protests will start when people realize they cannot live becasue thier jobs have been given to other countries and they cannot feed or house thier family? Last December Fox news conservatives were even saying it that things were going to get so bad that the only way for it to change for the better was people were going to have to rise up protest riot even violence to get real change. Yes some of the protestors may look and say this and that and to those who have plenty of money and food can have the luxury of saying they are all crazy and of low morals but it will continue to grow untill there is a fair equity and honest dealings in this country including health care, rebuilding our infrastructure and changing our energy policies.

If it takes hippies and a few naked people to get the silent suffering majority off its butt so be it
Herman Cain had a great suggestion, why don't all these guys go to the whitehouse and protest or even congress. That would really be fun. Maybe that guy could poop on the whitehouse lawn.
What upsets me the most is how the greedy and powerfull people can never get enough and are never satisfied. In our countries past history people had to die to bring to pass changes related to antitrust fare labor, safety and civil rights. It was government in support of those people protesting and dying the force the Rober Barrons, corporations and others to change. Greedy and powerful people will not change unless forced to be fair and equitable and we now have a legislature that is greedy and powerful on both sides. I have been saying for some time that if things do not change violent protests will start when people realize they cannot live becasue thier jobs have been given to other countries and they cannot feed or house thier family? Last December Fox news conservatives were even saying it that things were going to get so bad that the only way for it to change for the better was people were going to have to rise up protest riot even violence to get real change. Yes some of the protestors may look and say this and that and to those who have plenty of money and food can have the luxury of saying they are all crazy and of low morals but it will continue to grow untill there is a fair equity and honest dealings in this country including health care, rebuilding our infrastructure and changing our energy policies.

If it takes hippies and a few naked people to get the silent suffering majority off its butt so be it

You don't speak for me. They don't speak for me. And I hope they get the crap tasered out of themselves.

And while the president and his media horde heard every whisper from a tea party rally that sounded like a threat or suggested racist undertones, they seem blissfully ignorant of the vicious and hateful side of Occupy Wall Street.

This is far from a peaceful protest. Cops in New York are arresting the increasingly violent activists by the hundreds.

Videos have caught incidents of Jewish passers-by being taunted by the protesters — of course, it's a quick step from attacking financial institutions to indulging anti-Semitism.

State lawmakers in New York have received emails reportedly connected to Occupy Wall Street containing this cheery call to action: "It's time to kill the wealthy."

I haven't taken a poll, but my hunch is more Americans relate to "cut the spending" than to "kill the wealthy."

That's why I'm eager to see this freak show arrive in Detroit.

It'll be informative for voters to compare the American protesters Barack Obama sympathizes with to those he despises.

Like I said. How long will it be before Occupy Wall Street builds a bomb or sets fire to a business? And you who support them, you'll claim you never meant "this" and oh **** oh dear, those violent anti-Semites are not the REAL Occupy Wall Street and oh me and oh my. These lawless, mindless thugs need to be cleaned off the streets now. End this. They're not 'speaking for the 99%'. They're not speaking for me. They're not speaking for America. They're evil and it's time to end this now.
So the people involved in these "Occupy" movements are the 99%?

ok 99%ers. Chew on this.

In 2009, there were 104,164,970 individual tax returns filed.
The top tax bracket listed is $10M or more.
There were 8,225 of those returns, paying $55.875 Billion in taxes on a reported $205 Billion in income.
That's a 27% tax rate (average)
So, since the demand is to raise taxes on that "1%", how much more should these 8,225 people be ordered to fork over?
Another 3% tax only generates another $5.625 Billion.

This is that 'math' thing that those morons protesting fail at.

Should it be "redistributed" to the 2,834,219 tax return filers who made $10,000 or less?
That would give each of them an extra $2k to spend.
Now, how much for bills, good food, medicine and starting a savings/investment program?
But, what about that guy who made $11,000? Should he get anything, or piss on him?
ok, lets raise the limit to $12k and under. $12,001 you're outta luck.
Well, that adds another 2,382,086 people to the list.
Now everyone only gets $1,000.
Tack on the 2,585,795 people in the 12-14k range, and now your cut is $700.

Math sucks. Give me some cardboard, I'm gonna go down and march spouting things that I don't understand and complain about things that I'm clueless about.
**** those rich bastards. Power to the people. Redistribute the wealth! Pass the crack!
Or are you just afraid that the costumes you put so much faith in are actually on the wrong side? When I see the real people out here, your protestations say more about you then reality.

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The people I see protesting in those YT clips, the articles I've read, show a disorganized, confused mass of angry slackers. Happy to complain, clueless about real solutions. Many just using it as an excuse to act like fools. No thanks. Not a crowd I want to support.
You don't speak for me. They don't speak for me. And I hope they get the crap tasered out of themselves.

So your statement solves fraud, theft, a collapsing country and economy by Tasering people you consider beneath you and of less value the same type of young people that brought about the end of the Veitnam War wich was about making money and the poor dying to support it. How many people have died due to the banks and wall street/corporations genocide cutting corners lying stealing and bribing our government all the way to the supreme court. Like Bill said original Tee Party committed grand theft of Marine vessels and destroyed property and if memory serves me wern't they dressed as indians probably a few bare butts hangin out there too and who's to say a few poop dumps weren't done just to add flavor to the moment they didn't have you tube and cell phones back then but the rich have been takin a crap over peope in this country for decades.

Every person and especially corporation that make 6,7,8 figures of income commite fraud every time they file thier taxes and get away with it because they can afford attorney's and CPA's to cover up and lie for them its a joke its not the tax rate its tax code written and developed by the people who seek to circumvent it. Any one who questions War or its expense or defense spending is called un American is the same racist Facist rhetoric used to divide and create class war instead of solving issues it just easier to blame a group of people as being the problem rather than treat the root problem. Your right I bet some buildings are going to get burned and people hurt and no amount of name calling or tasering is going to stop it injustice has a cost to it. The only way it will all slow down is if the government steps in and does the right thing and that will not happen with out a revolt of voting in the ballet box and the street.
So what's the "right thing"?

To hear these idiots spout it off, they want free health care for all, no taxes except for the "rich", all their **** ups forgiven (all the maxed out credit cards, bounced checks, missed bill payments, etc).

How about this: They take responsibility for their own lives, suck it up, go work some jobs that are 'below them', work 2 jobs, start some businesses that don't require tons of capital (I can name 20 off the top of my head), and while at it, grab a shower and stop throwing rocks at cops thinking the crowd will hide them?
There was some news coverage of a linked event here in Kansas City. There were interviews with 4 people who were protesting, a couple being involved in the actual organization of the event. While I admitt that they all seemed kinda hippy, what they all said is that they feel corporations are buying our government and laws need to be passed limiting thier ability to do so. It was also stated that "America is no longer the land of oppurtunity for most people. The middle class is becomming poor while the rich are becomming richer. There is a problem with that."

Look, I can understand your dislike of some of the "demands" given from the protestors in New York. I also do not like some of the bad behaviour shown by a minority of players in the protest. However, I think you are missing the big picture. A protest that started out as a couple of hundred people has now grown to protest all across the nation made up of many thousands of people. That alone says something is resonating with people and that people are upset. Similiar to the Tea party movement.

Before you start getting sanctimonious about the Tea Party being different than the Wall street protest, remember the dumb *** racist, the birthers, and the governement-is-gonna-kill-yer-grandma types that were part of that movement. Yes, they were a minority, just as many of the idiots you see on news cast in the Wall Street protest are also a minority. It is funny how you distrust media when they show things that don't fit what you believe, put when it is convenient, you believe they are showing you a %100 reflection of the truth.

This also apears to be a true grass roots movement, not funded by some left wing version of the Koch brothers. So while you do not agree with the messages they are sending, as confused as they are, do not make the mistake of dismissing them or the emotions behind what they are doing as beign the product of "a bunch of losers." Also, more free advice to conservatives, calling them names and dismissing them will probably have negative effects on voting independants.
I'm just as contemptuous of the Tea Party and Coffee Partys.
You don't speak for me. They don't speak for me. And I hope they get the crap tasered out of themselves.

Every once in a while I think it's appropriate to flag a statement like this and refer back to that thread about beating children. Attitudes like this and the unreasonableness that follows are par for the course.

As far as this thread is concerned, if anyone here is thinking that they know what the protesters think by reading the MSM stories, sorry, you don't. And if you want to see people get hurt or killed because of articles that came to your eyes via the internet or beamed from the TV, well, that's Mission Accomplished! as far as the government is concerned.

It was no different when they turned the Tea Party into the Republican Party and then demonized the crap out of it. It's time to wake up and realize that you are being manipulated.
Every once in a while I think it's appropriate to flag a statement like this and refer back to that thread about beating children. Attitudes like this and the unreasonableness that follows are par for the course.

As far as this thread is concerned, if anyone here is thinking that they know what the protesters think by reading the MSM stories, sorry, you don't. And if you want to see people get hurt or killed because of articles that came to your eyes via the internet or beamed from the TV, well, that's Mission Accomplished! as far as the government is concerned.

It was no different when they turned the Tea Party into the Republican Party and then demonized the crap out of it. It's time to wake up and realize that you are being manipulated.

To hell with them, and I'm not a Tea Party fan or a Republican. I love the way everyone assumes just because I hate the Wall Street protesters, I just love the other extremists. I don't like them even a little bit.

But I'll stand by my statement. I hope the police beat them like baby seals.
To hell with them, and I'm not a Tea Party fan or a Republican. I love the way everyone assumes just because I hate the Wall Street protesters, I just love the other extremists. I don't like them even a little bit.

But I'll stand by my statement. I hope the police beat them like baby seals.

I don't. The idiots who are getting violent, deserve a rap to the head. The rest, no. They may be confused, angry and stinky, but that doesn't equate to an *** whipping.
So, far be it from me to interrupt this ideological hate-orgy goin on, but does anyone have actual numbers or idea how prevalent the violent or irresponsible behavior among the Wall Street Occupiers is? I ask because if you put even 1000 randomly-assorted people together, you're going to have some jackasses in the group. That goes double for a widespread movement that was organized through something as random as a social network.

Ideologically speaking, I agree with some of what the protestors are about, but I think they're barking up the wrong tree. Yelling at Wall Street for being greedy is like yelling at a teenager for being hormonal. They should be squatting on Washington's steps, pun intended. But they're the ones carrying the torches and risking arrest, not me, so I'll let them pick their own targets.

Bottom line: anyone know if these reports are actually representative of the Wall Street Occupiers, or are we just cherry-picking outliers so we can continue the hate-orgy? I just want to be clear, since I really don't know.
I don't. The idiots who are getting violent, deserve a rap to the head. The rest, no. They may be confused, angry and stinky, but that doesn't equate to an *** whipping.

Things are about to get violent. And when they do, I want the water cannon deployed, pronto.

Don't tell me some of these morons are not currently building bombs in a garage somewhere. You know they are, so do I. It's only a matter of time before one of the 'righteous' idiots sets one off.

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