And, if I may put on a recruiter hat: Please consider joining a veteran's organization such as the VFW ( The larger the membership of such Veteran's advocacy organizations the more likely our elected officials will pay attention to veteran's concerns.
My neice just got married a few months ago... and her husband is an E-5 with the Rangers... and Joe just rotated in-country last month...
It's gonna be a long year of waiting an praying!
Not sure if any of the dinosaurs I served with are even still around... as the group kind of faded away from eachother... so I have no idea if any of my old buddies are playing this time around or not...
When George Sr. had his turn in the sand... I at least got a call from my old CO...
One thing is for sure... MANY, MANY Brothers (and Sisters) in arms ARE still in harms way... so, keep your head on a swivel, your stance low, and watch out for your team-mates, Gang!