Attention Men:

Should We Open a Men's Locker Room?

  • Yes, that would be nice

  • No, thats just silly

  • Who cares.

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Technopunk said:
How Many of You Would like to see a Mens Locker Room, for Male only discussion, similar to the Ladies Locker room?

Thanks for volunteering! :asian:

If it comes to pass, I would like to see it by invitation only - an invitation given only to posters who contribute positively to the board and do not have a record of flaming or causing disruptions.

ON EDIT: I don't really see a need for it either, but will go along with the membership.
Personally, I can't see it getting much traffic under the guidelines that would allow it here.

No Porn, "hot blonde of the week", "post your hottie", etc stuff.

I really can't see the guys getting into the mens issues like the women do.


If the guys want a place where they can discuss premature ejaculation, impotence, breast cancer in men, testicular cancer, "plumbing" issues, their prostates, baldness, etc, without worry of the women wandering in, I'm more than happy to set one up for the supporting members.

But if the idea is a place to be well, basically a male pig, tell fart jokes, swap porn, etc, sorry, that type of section will not be allowed on MT as long as I own it. (I don't have a problem with it, it's just not what I want here)
beau_safken said:
Yep that pretty much kills the point....

Hmmm, You asked for a MLR just like the LLR.

The LLR operates under the same rules as posted by Bob that is expected for the MLR.

I guess I am too old, for I really want to ask you :

How old are you?

Where did you learn to have no manners?

Did anyone ever beat you up for being stupid and or doing stupid things?

But as you said these things might insult some people, so I should not ask them. And they are listed as rhetorical.
OnlyAnEgg said:
As long as we all behave like civilized, mature individuals,

why would we want to go and do that? is this an internet forum or a bible study? sheeeesh.

next thing you'll be asking us to support our arguments with actual facts or not to flame people just 'cos we disagree with them.
bushidomartialarts said:
why would we want to go and do that? is this an internet forum or a bible study? sheeeesh.

next thing you'll be asking us to support our arguments with actual facts or not to flame people just 'cos we disagree with them.

Rich Parsons said:
Hmmm, You asked for a MLR just like the LLR.

The LLR operates under the same rules as posted by Bob that is expected for the MLR.

I guess I am too old, for I really want to ask you :

How old are you?

Where did you learn to have no manners?

Did anyone ever beat you up for being stupid and or doing stupid things?

But as you said these things might insult some people, so I should not ask them. And they are listed as rhetorical.


I think it may be wise to remember that there may be a little Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in all of us boys.

"Bein' civil ain't no fun, mossa time!"
"Yup. But, ya gotta do it sumatime."
"Sho, but it ain't like we gotta live in a church."
"That's what fishin is fo!"
To the ladies who commented about male posts in the womens section...

We are not disucussing the area "Women in the Martial Arts" we are discussing the ABSOLUTLEY NO MEN CAN EVEN VIEW IT section called the Ladies Locker Room.

If you cant see it, or do not know what it is, it's because the Queen of Pain did not grant you access.

Even BOB can't veiw that section or see what goes on in there, and he owns the board.
Rich Parsons said:
I guess I am too old, for I really want to ask you :

How old are you?

Where did you learn to have no manners?

Did anyone ever beat you up for being stupid and or doing stupid things?

But as you said these things might insult some people, so I should not ask them. And they are listed as rhetorical.

1. 23

2. Manners in what sense? As not offend more that 50% of everyone? Sorry but I kinda live by the rule that 50% of people I will like, 50% I won't. Of that 50% I like, 25% will like me and 25% wont. So I guess I only cater to 25% of the audience.

3. Oh threat of violence...nice

Seriously, leave me alone. I'm over and done with this crap
beau_safken said:
1. 23

2. Manners in what sense? As not offend more that 50% of everyone? Sorry but I kinda live by the rule that 50% of people I will like, 50% I won't. Of that 50% I like, 25% will like me and 25% wont. So I guess I only cater to 25% of the audience.

3. Oh threat of violence...nice

Seriously, leave me alone. I'm over and done with this crap

Mr. Safken I did not see anybody threaten you they ask you a question?, see if the question is put in a way to upset you , then you can see how most of your remarks effect other people.
As far as leaving you alone why, do you leave other member alone no, so why should you be giving special treatment here. If you would like to be consider a adult you must first act like one, second the best thing for you to do is apologies to the women on this forum for being so dis-respectful towards them and lastly everybody has the same numbers only 50% of the people you meet will like or dis-like you but if you are offenseive from the start the number will only be around .01% for most people hold a gurge from the first impression!

I hope you can grow from all of this and continue to post here on this forum it is by far one of the fairess forum around. The member have alot of knowledge and wisdom that everyone couls learn from.
I hope your day goes well.
beau_safken said:
1. 23

2. Manners in what sense? As not offend more that 50% of everyone? Sorry but I kinda live by the rule that 50% of people I will like, 50% I won't. Of that 50% I like, 25% will like me and 25% wont. So I guess I only cater to 25% of the audience.

3. Oh threat of violence...nice

Seriously, leave me alone. I'm over and done with this crap


I did not threaten you?

I asked a question.

Yet were offended.

Would you still have been offended in a MLR? My guess is yes.
now, now, gents...
this topic is meant for discussion of the pros and cons of having a Boys Only forum, not for the kind of discussion the thread seems to be falling in to.

Please behave and play nice. After all, playing nice is not just a good idea, it's the law.

MT Mod
barriecusvein said:
thats totally irrelevant.

That's debatable.

Here's a few points you fellas might wanna know on the LLR:

The LLR is not an unmoderated forum. All forums on MT are moderated. How freely you speak in the MLR would be contingent upon the parameters delineated by the owner and the staff who moderate that forum.

Confidentiality is a must and those approved will have to "sign" a confidentiality agreement. Now, if that sounds sophomorish to you, or ridiculous, or like something you think won't ever work, then don't join it, because some people will take that confidentiality agreement quite seriously and will adamantly protect it. One breech could change the tone of the whole private forum.

So ... think about it very seriously.
It just seems to me that some Men think a MLR will be a place they can speak freely and not get there feelings hurt where in my opinion that is just the opposite. We are Men at least most of us and we primaly like to fight I think the MLR will only breed more people getting pissed off. It has already happened he in this thread. Beau don't get offended. Rich didn't threaten you. go back and read the post don't read into it. I still say no to the MLL. Men's Locker Rooms stink anyways.


barriecusvein said:
thats totally irrelevant.

I agree it might be irrelevent to those who want one.

Yet I state that the thread starter wanted a place to cut loose and be free and not worry about people taking offense from his comments. So my comments back to him are why does he take offense at mine? For him there is no point for a MLR. Yet he cried discrimination and unfair since the ladies have one.

I have no problem with one.

I have a problem with people who want what they want and screw the rest of the world and gets upset with the rest of the world and blames them when they do not get what they want. And it is also an issue of hypocracy.

Just my thoughts on some of the posts here.

But like I said, to the idea of a MLR - Male Locker Room I see no problem with it. If it would help and people are interested GREAT! I am for it. Just understand what the OWNER has put down as the ground rules for the LLR which will also apply for the MLR. That is all I am trying to say.

And Egg sorry for the offic topic reply back.
Rich Parsons said:
But like I said, to the idea of a MLR - Male Locker Room I see no problem with it. If it would help and people are interested GREAT! I am for it. Just understand what the OWNER has put down as the ground rules for the LLR which will also apply for the MLR. That is all I am trying to say.

And Egg sorry for the offic topic reply back.

I agree that, if it's a forum desired by the membership and Bob okidokes it, fine. I mean, there are topics that pertain specifically to guys just as there are for broads...erm...babes...uh...women. The play nice rule would be in effect there, too. This site is a responsible and honorable place. I can't see having a forum designed to give guys a place to be rude, insulting and talk about hotties.

Moreover, MT is about 80% male, as it is. A lot of topics and threads reflect male perspectives already. Is it necessary to have our own spot here? Based on that, no. I think it's silly.

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