I think students who try to tell instructors they're wrong because they saw something different in a video (rather than asking, why is it X in the video by that guy?) have issues they need to deal with.Our syllabus is just a list with English and Japanese names. It’s broken down into hand techniques, kicks, kata list, etc. for each rank. And minimum time/class requirements for promotion to the next rank. Minimum time/classes varies for each rank. 10th-5th kyu are 3 months or so, 4th and 3rd are 6 months, 2nd is 9 months, and 1st kyu is 1 year. Not sure on exact numbers, but those seem about right to me.
I have no idea what the book at the front of the dojo is officially called; we call it “the black belt manual.” It’s broken down by each rank up to and including yondan. Each rank starts with the syllabus, then has each standardized thing written out step by step. Ie for kata it’ll tell you each count in English with the Japanese term for the move in parentheses. It sounds like it’ll be a huge binder-like thing, but it’s a softcover book about the size and thickness of a magazine. Just a quick reference manual. I’ve heard everyone gets one either from honbu or my teacher directly when they’re promoted to shodan.
My teacher used to give it to people earlier than shodan, but stopped because an interesting thing happened: people were using it to learn stuff rather than as reference as it was intended. He’d go to teach someone something like a new kata right after promotion and they were pretty much doing the whole thing without being taught. How does a kata you taught yourself to do from a book without pictures look? Pretty awful. He got tired of it.
Worse things happened with videos. My former organization and current one used to have videos of everything for each rank. Great idea, until people were learning from them and telling the teachers they were wrong. The best one was a guy telling the head of my former organization that he was wrong during a promotional test. He said to our head guy “the guy in the video said to do it like this.” Our head guy did all he could do to not strangle the student and said “do you know who the guy in the video is?” and walked away. That was the final straw - the unsold videos just went away. The student had no clue that the head guy was the guy in the video. Similar stuff happened in my current organization.