As a Martial Artist

I guess I don't understand why we train be like the Warrior....Too many youtubes showing cops struggling with a felon and people walking by...that amazes me....get involved someday it may your loved one needing help....I don't see things as "my" family versus a stranger...I see things as good versus evil and when I don't stand up to evil then evil wins.....When evil wins enough and that becomes the norm we're in deep doo....I may not be the politically correct individual but there is one thing you can count'll always know where I stand....I believe in John Wayne, Chuck Norris and everything good...
If I offend those more liberal..oh well......that's not my intention...

I have no problem with your view, in fact it's very similar to mine, I just think given our current culture it's putting the cart before the horse, is all.
as a marital artist, you have certain abilities that others do not possess. if someone is in need of help, help them, period. when you can help, just help. martial artists are not superheroes. just be a normal person lending a hand.
So what.
Which side shoud you error on?

You really think I should beat up everyone I see struggling with a willful child? Just in case that person is attempting to kidnap said child?

I suppose I should start spear-tackling all the Arab people I see as well, just in case they are terrorists. After all, better safe than sorry, right?
It's all right.

Let him think he's busting some drug dealers' heads on some street corner only to find he's blundered into a sting operation a couple times. It may be that that after everything gets sorted out they'll let him go, no harm, no foul, no jail--but times being what they are I very much doubt it.

Let him come upon what looks like a guy beating up on a woman and haul right off, assuming (Because he was not there to see the situation begin) that it's an attempted rape or somesuch, only to find it's the opposite and she was the initial aggressor(and don't think for a minute this has never happened). Better yet, let him find out he's just butted in on a domestic dispute and now gets to fight BOTH parties(like CLOCKWORK--you break up the one, the other always jumps in, ask any cop). Hell, who knows, maybe he WON'T get killed, or hospitalized, Hell, maybe he'll even take 'em both--and maybe he won't be sued, or arrested, or charged, or jailed. Yeah. Right. Sure.

Let him find those things out himself--by the tone of his posts since he joined us, I believe he is, and tries his hardest to be, a good person, but at this point he's just that sure of himself that that's about what it will take before he'll figure out that in order for a person to have the necessary info to make the judgment call whether or not to intervene in a situation, that person must KNOW what the situation is and MUST have been there to see it begin.

If you have that info, by all means do what you are able.

Absent that info, you can call whoever you like, shout, draw attention, but from a physical, intervention standpoint the only right you have to do a damnthing is if it becomes clearly obvious to you that whoever you called will not arrive in time, and if you don't, someone *is* going to die.

This is nothing to do with being some fictional "true martial artist" and everything to do with having to live in and deal with real life, in the real world, where real people get really ****ed over for having tried to do the right thing.

It would be wonderful if every once in awhile a good deed would go unpunished.

It would be wonderful if what some see as a moral obligation were not a guaranteed legal deathtrap.

It would be wonderful if being "in the right" were a bulletproof vest or an unbeatable attorney.

But that's not real life.

And it's like I said in my earlier post, until you change the societal conditions which LED to this being the "real world"--which led to the "it's not my problem" thinking, which led to the good being punished and the predators freed, until you do that, this entire argument is pie-in-the-sky pipe dreaming. Sorry.
You really think I should beat up everyone I see struggling with a willful child? Just in case that person is attempting to kidnap said child?

I suppose I should start spear-tackling all the Arab people I see as well, just in case they are terrorists. After all, better safe than sorry, right?

Ok, the premis of the situation has changed.

If my only mental and physical capacity to intervien in any situation is as you say "I should beat up everyone" then I agree with you. You should probably let them drag off the person.

I wonder what the statistics are of comming back after you let someone force you in a car?
Anyone know?
I wonder what the statistics are of comming back after you let someone force you in a car?
Anyone know?

I don't have the stats on that, but I heard from a professional (sorry I can't remember more specifically who/when/where) NEVER let them take you to a second location as the odds are slim that you will survive.

Fighting at the initial site gives the victim the best chance of a positive outcome.
I don't have the stats on that, but I heard from a professional (sorry I can't remember more specifically who/when/where) NEVER let them take you to a second location as the odds are slim that you will survive.

Fighting at the initial site gives the victim the best chance of a positive outcome.

Ignoring the sarcasm of the above question, ;) this is true.
Referencing the original question:

To best of your ability... do the right thing. If this means coming to the aid of others, so be it. Remember that aid can be given in a myriad of ways. Do what is necessary and no more.

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Institute
It would be against any code of ethics in vertualy all styles of martial arts to not take action and use your talents and abilities to help defend others who are in need. Obviously in every situation you must use sound judgement but simply not to act when you could would be wrong.

Ninja Trading Company