As a counterpoint to the following messages...
This could be useful if his goal is to isolate how specific arts relate to certain characteristics. If you ask someone "what art do you practice", they're probably going to put down the art that they most identify with. Similarly, if someone asks me "what sport do you play", I would say fencing, even though I've also played a decent amount of basketball and tennis, because I identify more as a fencer.
This gets mitigated a bit by the question about how long you've been practicing. Having both questions involved, it provides a secondary way to ascertains a person's relationship to their art (although I would be willing to bet that if he did an analyses of characteristics vs. rank and years, there would be a much higher correlation with years than with rank).
It's not a perfect survey IMO (no survey is), and I actually agree with Tony on maybe having blank spaces to list the top 3 arts, with the option to leave some blank, to make it less limiting. But I can see reasons for setting it up the way Alan did, depending on his purposes behind the survey.
Submitted my entry. The format of the first few questions was a bit limiting, as they seem to assume the survey taker only practices a single art. I kept it down to the arts I am currently most involved with and on the rank question I just listed the highest ranks.
This could be useful if his goal is to isolate how specific arts relate to certain characteristics. If you ask someone "what art do you practice", they're probably going to put down the art that they most identify with. Similarly, if someone asks me "what sport do you play", I would say fencing, even though I've also played a decent amount of basketball and tennis, because I identify more as a fencer.
On that point, Alan, also remember that ranks don't mean the same thing between styles (and even between associations in the same art, sometimes). For instance, there are many styles where a black belt is normally achievable in 2-3 years, and is considered sort of a starting point for actually digging into the art. There are other arts (mainline NGA is one) where black belt is an instructor rank, and shodan (first degree black belt) usually takes 7-11 years. I don't know how that factors into your analysis, but I wanted to make sure you had it. If nothing else, it probably belongs in the write-up as a problem with researching across multiple arts.
This gets mitigated a bit by the question about how long you've been practicing. Having both questions involved, it provides a secondary way to ascertains a person's relationship to their art (although I would be willing to bet that if he did an analyses of characteristics vs. rank and years, there would be a much higher correlation with years than with rank).
It's not a perfect survey IMO (no survey is), and I actually agree with Tony on maybe having blank spaces to list the top 3 arts, with the option to leave some blank, to make it less limiting. But I can see reasons for setting it up the way Alan did, depending on his purposes behind the survey.